
1. share some details about what you learned about your ideology

I learned what kind of ideologies conservative have on different things like refugee, business, protests, welfare and crimes. I now know conservative government are against welcoming refugees, support private company, against protest, against long term welfare and support preventing crimes.

2. Discuss some of the ideas your group came up with

We said maybe we can get more money from private companies when they make so much because conservative government support private business and if they make big money, we can collect them and help refugee and poor people. And we can use money to make stronger RCMP.

3. What did you find interesting about the activity

We had same ideology as a group, but all people had different ideas. I think even we have same ideology as conservative, we can be little different conservative.

4. What did you find challenging about it

We didn’t agree on many things. We had same ideology, but we couldn’t solve problems with same answer.