Henry park eal skills

Did you like/dislike this movie? Why? I do not like this movie the reason why is, end of the movie Trevor died even he helped his friend when his friend got bully. He did kind things but he died What was your favourite scene of…

Week15 in math 10

I learned how to do this one ,in this case 5-5=0 so x is 0  if x is 0 then the question answer is going to be undefined


1. share some details about what you learned about your ideology I learned what kind of ideologies conservative have on different things like refugee, business, protests, welfare and crimes. I now know conservative government are against welcoming refugees, support private company, against protest, against long…

Social 10 halocast project

Genocide is intentional murder to destroy a group of people in whole or in part. genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas 1. Share the basic information of: 1. What happened? The indigenous peoples of the Americas experienced massacres, torture, terror and sexual abuse. 2….

Week14 in math10

I learned how to see functions. In this case, all the unbers not have to same numbers so this one is functions

week13 in math 10

    if you want to find y – intercept,then you first have to  make x zero because at y intercept value of x is going to be 0. Then  we end up with y = -5  which is  the answer