Math Football

Our goal was to make a football with spaghetti and marshmallows. We first thought that using the whole spaghetti will make the football unstable, so we decided to break the spaghetti in half. After that, we attached the spaghetti with the marshmallows and made hexagons to create a 3D figure. Unfortunately, the figure was not stable and became bigger than we thought. We broke the spaghetti in half again and made hexagons and triangles to create the football. We thought that if we use two different shapes, it will make the figure stronger. While we were making the football again, we realized that the figure was much stable this way. We only had 20 minutes to do this project so we weren’t able to finish it but here is a picture of the football we made.20160907_144045

By doing this project, I realized that football relates to geometry.  We saw a video titled ‘Geometry of Footballs and the Cube-shaped Ball’ and I learned that most of the football that we know is made out of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons.


Taming of the Shrew Stop Motion Induction Scene Project

This play is named “The Taming of the Shrew” written by William Shakespeare. My partner is Sarah. She was responsible for taking the stop motion pictures while I was moving the Lego figures. In the end both Sarah and I worked on the audio and narration of the video. Inset is the main play, and the induction is the introduction of the main play. As the induction scene finished, the players that were on stage moved to the side. They prepared to watch the main play. The induction scenes of our play applied to “ The Taming of the Shrew.” “Sly” a character of the play begins to be mocked. Thus helping cool the audience down with a sense of comedy and entertainment. The inset began when the bed that “Sly” and “Page” were sitting on slid towards the side preparing themselves to watch the main play. The app used to help produce this video was “Stop Motion.” We would move the Lego figures with slight movements that would create a flow of action and scenes. After the filming of the video; we started to record the narration and voices. In order to record the audio, we downloaded an app called “Text to Speech” for different accents. For extra effects we included sound effects that helped present the play more engagingly. For example, when the players had knocked the door of the lord’s home; we included the sound of a knock on a wooden door. One of the challenges that we had experienced was working on the audio. We were not always able to fit the amount of narration and voices that we had originally prepared. Another challenge we were faced with was the process of moving the Lego figures. The Legos themselves were quite small and dainty thus making it quite difficult to keep them in place. By doing this project, it gave us more of an understanding and visual of the play.

Modeling Mitosis

In this lab our group used pipe cleaners and string to model mitosis




The small circle represents the nucleus and the bigger circle represents the cell membrane.


There are chromatins inside the nucleus.


During the interphase, all of the DNA is copied. We added the other half of the pipe clearners.





Replicated DNA molecules join together to form sister chromatids. Two same colour and size pipe cleaners are tied together.


We added small strings to the cell, 4 at each end, to represent the spindle fibres.


We attached the strings from either end of the cell to one of the sister chromosomes.


The nucleus is removed.



The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.



We untied the sister chromatids and moved the 2 halves of each chromosome away from each other to opposite sides of the cell.


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The spindle fibres disappears and 2 nuclear membranes form.




Cell divides into two.



Citation : Worksheet given from Mr. Robinson

Currents from the Kitchen

1. Prediction: Potato will produce the most electric voltage because the juice from the potato will help to make a electric charge

2. Materials : Potato, Lemon, Orange, Voltmeter, 2 steel nails, 2 copper wires, 4 aligator clips, Miniature bulb

3. Procedure :

a) Insert 1 steel nail and 1 copper wire to the potato

b) Use 2 aligator clips to connect steel nail and copper wire to the voltmeter

c) Exchange the voltmeter to miniature bulb. See if the bulb lights up.

d) Record the results

e) Try lemon and orange with the same procedure

4. Results : 


Potato : 1.5 voltes, didn’t turn bulb on


Lemon : 2 voltes, didn’t turn bulb on


Orange : 1.5 voltes, didn’t turn bulb on

5. Advanced Experiment :

Use both fruits, orange and lemon at the same time. Use 2 steel nails and copper wires. Connect the two fruits and the voltmeter with 4 aligator clips. Try the minature bulb to see if it lights up.

6. Result of Advanced Experiment :


Orange and Lemon : 3 voltes, didn’t turn bulb on

7. Observations : 

  • It was 0 voltes when our group inserted 2 steel nails in one fruit
  • We should have checked if the light bulb actually turns on by a battery
  • It would have been better if we had more time to try other fruits or vegetables

8. Questions : 

If your bulb doesn’t glow, how can you find out if electrons are flowing?  I can use a voltmeter to find out if electrons are flowing.

If your bulb doesn’t glow, why not?  It might not have the power to light up the bulb.

What is causing electrons to flow in this experiment? The aligator clips allows electrons to flow.

How can I use this in my everyday life?  I can use this when power goes out.

9. Conclusion : My prediction was incorrect. Lemon produced the most electric voltage.





‘The secluded lot’ – graphic novel

  1. Exposition : “I’d like to inquire about a lot”(105)
  2. Rising Action : “There might be room for just one more off willow Walk here”(116)
  3. Rising Action : “They entered a black limousine and drove slowly through the cemetery”(116)
  4. Rising Action : “Mr. Jerome pushed the documents towards him. The old man signed in a shaky hand.”(118)
  5. Climax : “Ouch? That cursed bee stung me : How dare you operate a beehive in this cemetery?” (119)
  6. Falling Action : “It’s on my poperty. I purchased it, did I not?” (119)
  7. Falling Action : “Your flowers have never been so magnificent or plentiful” (120)
  8. Denouement : “Mr. jerome, I should buy an anothr lot” (121)

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cartoon 2