Irrational number other than Pi

When people are asked to think of one irrational number, the most of them would probably say ‘pi’. However I have found out there are more interesting irrational numbers that were unfamiliar to us. Today, I will introduce an irrational number which is ‘e’. It is pronounced as “ee” and is equal to about 2.71828182846 . It was first discovered by Jacob Bernoulli, who found it in a formula for calculating compund interest. ‘E’ can be used in probability theory, number theory and caculus. When playing a lottery with one-in-a-million odds winning, the probability that you would never win can be calculated with ‘e’ ; it’s about 1/e (less than 37%). There is another fascinating example with this number. When Google filed for its first IPO in 2004, the amount they intended to raise was billion times e.

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