Sam the Athlete

Was it proper for Sam to continue wearing skirts?
Everybody should be able to do something they are passionate about without having to be restricted by gender. The book “Sam the Athlete” is written by Stuart McLean. It is about a boy named Sam, who faces problems that are caused by his sexuality. He is placed in a team of girls and faces the problem of whether or not he should wear the skirt. Eventually, he decided to continue wearing the skirt. He really likes sports and his dream is to be an athlete. He has tried several sports such as soccer, baseball, curling, and hockey. Unfortunately, he wasn’t good at any of them and couldn’t fit in to the team. One day, he spotted a poster about a try-out for field hockey. This he thought was “the reckless faith of the hopeless, was the sport he had been looking for all his life”(66). He went there right away and found out that field hockey was the sport that he is actually good at. He felt so great to hear compliments from the coach, but he soon found out that the team was for girls when the coach gave them the skirts to wear. He didn’t know that the players were girls before because everybody was wearing a helmets. He could have just sneaked out of the team but instead, “Sam went home and shaved his legs” (68).He enjoys the sport and most of all, the compliments that he got made it a major reason for him to disguise himself as a girl. It was his first time to feel being a part of a team. Sam decided to live a lie just to fit in with other girls and to do what he loved. Soon, his mom had found out that the team is a co-ed. Sam were able to wear shorts and stop pretending to be a girl. Surprisingly, he said he loves to wear the skirt and he will keep wearing it. It was a good decision because he became liking the skirt and it was the most comfortable clothes for him. Sam should do what ever he would like, despite of sexual discrimination. He doesn’t have to follow how the society is structured. He can do something different and be confident of what he likes to do. Eventually, everyone in the team got to know that Sam was a boy and now it was his choice to wear or not. He didn’t have to lie that he was a boy anymore, and he wore what he liked. Therefore, Sam made a good decision on continuing to wear the skirt. It is important to do what he pleases him.

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