Google Hangout with Tanya Harrison Response

Our science class had an awesome opportunity to do a Google Hangout with Tanya Harrison. She is a Ph.D. student in Geology at the University of Western Ontario, specializing in planetary science with the Centre for Planetary Science and Space Exploration (CPSX). She is also a professional photographer. From 2008 until 2012, Tanya was on the science operations team for NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) and Mars Color Imager (MARCI) at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS).

Our class got a time to ask questions to Tanya.

The questions that were asked :

  1. Weren’t you ever bored looking at all the pictures of Mars?
  2. What was the coolest thing that happened when you were working on the Mars Rover?
  3. Are there interesting facts about Mars recently?

She answered to the questions :

  1. I was never bored looking at the photos. They were always interesting to me because Mars is large and the photos were always different.
  2. When I got to work with cameras that will go to Mars.
  3. I heard that water is found in Mars.


This is a video of us doing the Google Hangout. Unfortunately, there was a problem going on to the computer so, only the first little part of the ‘CBL chat’ was filmed.

IMG_0975 : This is her website and there are lots of information about her!!

It was a great experience to talk with an expert like Tanya. Our class learned lots of information from her and it was an awesome way to learn by doing a Google Hangout.


Math Project


We chose 3 bias questions.
Our survey was free and not time sensitive. Our candidates responses were all kept confidential and they all were given the right to refuse to answer. Our questions were asked clearly with an appropriate use of language.
Our preferred method of sampling that we used to collect data was a convenience sample. This is because we asked easy and accessible friends.
We would conduct a convenient sample by surveying students that were more accessible to us. If we conducted a stratified sample we would choose 2 students from all of our classes in our school. To conduct a systematic sample we would choose last names ending in the letter Y off of all our teacher’s attendance list. We would conduct a voluntary response sample by posting our survey on our schools bulletin board
Our survey questions were all revolved around time. Many errors could have been made due to the candidates not knowing the exact time they take to wake up or go to bed and or get ready in the morning. We could have given more multiple choice answers. This way the candidates could have given a more accurate answer. We found that, out of 10 people the majority of the students went to bed at 11 PM, got up in the morning at 6 AM, and spent 30 minutes getting ready in the morning.
Mean for question 1
Ex.  (9+9+11+11+11+11+11+12+12+12) ÷ 10 = 10.9
The average person sleeps at 10:54
Median for question 2
Ex. 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8    (6+6) ÷ 2 = 6
The median of question 2 is 6
Mode for question 3
The most frequent value occurring in the data is 7.