Matter Matters


Matter is hard to understand because there are lots of information to learn such as chemical change, temperature and changes of state, the particle model of matter, the Kinetic Molecular Theory, qualitative and quantitative properties, and pure substances. My challenge is to use the solution fluency process to represent this information in an engaging way.


  • Film a video of me presenting a lab that relates to the subject matter.
  • Make a powerpoint
  • Make a mindmap
  • Film a video of me interviewing an expert about matter.

Design and Deliever

powerpoint –   Matter


It went well. I organized the information so it made it easier to understand about matter. It would have been better if I had put a video in to my powerpoint.


One thought on “Matter Matters

  1. Hi Minji. I really liked how thorough your PowerPoint was. Next time, try to embed it into the post. Great work!

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