Milana’s Digital Footprint
Digital footprints aren’t talked about enough.
Yes, technology is great, until digital footprints are brought up. You can become someone completely unrecognizable. It’s too easy to hide behind the screen.
How might your digital footprint affect your future jobs?
-Well, if say the person applying for the job has a history of bullying online, posts something inappropriate, or, that could hurt someone else. There is a good chance the other workers or even boss in the company, might not allow them to work at that company because in the job there might be a level of social skills needed in talking, and working with other people such as clients, or coworkers. So, if the workers or boss see their digital footprint, they might not want to have that type of person in their workplace with their history of posts online.
-Or, on the other hand the individual applying might have a great online history, which might push them over the edge to get the job. Say, if there is an opportunity to promote the company, draw more clients and workers in, that could work to their benefit.
Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe:
-For starters, I’d suggest keeping only close friends, family, and people you trust on your accounts. The last thing you want is everything in your personal life all over the internet.
-Think before you post. Think how it’ll impact the lives of others, how people will view you after, what and how future friendships, relationships, and job opportunities will see it. If you have to ask yourself if it’s a good idea to post it, it probably shouldn’t be posted.
-Ask before you post. Before you post, ask your friends, family, anyone else who might be in the picture/video and make sure they agree. Posting something you haven’t been given consent to doesn’t point a good light on you.
What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?
-I would say to pass on that it’s never just you, or your friend who sees it, you have to be careful what you put out on the internet, because it’s the internet, once it’s out there it’s almost impossible to get back.
*All photos from pixel + free to use*