1) DEFINE: This video explains the impacts and challenges with climate change and crops growing. It also included some interessting points such as resurrection plants- adding water to dry plants bringing them back to life within 12-24 hours. As well as growing only in the rainy season- at the end producing seeds.
2) DISCOVER: One of my biggest questions was what vegetables don’t need high amounts of water. From my research I came up with lima, and pole beans. Corn, black eyed + field peas, edible amaranth, quinoa, mustard greens, okra (lady fingers or ochro), summer squashes, sunflowers (their seeds are edible), specific types of tomatoes, black diamond watermelon, and most herbs. I also wanted to know how much and if we could eat less water. According to my research 90% of freshwater we consume is used up by animals, and growing crops.
-making the problem known (the limit of water); more people finding out = more resources and research going into the problem
-grow our own food
-catch rainwater
Farrant, Jill. “How We Can Make Crops Survive Without Water”. Ted.Com, https://www.ted.com/talks/jill_farrant_how_we_can_make_crops_survive_without_water?language=en#t-817874.
“Drought-Tolerant Vegetable Garden – Veggies To Grow During Droughts”. Gilmour, https://gilmour.com/drought-tolerant-vegetable-garden.
“Can We Eat Less Water? – Environment Reports”. Environment Reports, http://www.environmentreports.com/can-eat-less-water/.
5) DEBRIEF: I found this topic interessting- and I learned lots I hadn’t known about before. I had three cites, pictures, and good information.