Michael Keresztes
Grade 9 English
Mr. Barazzuol
“The Secluded Lot”
- Exposition
-“I’d like to inquire about a lot” (Page 1)
- Rising Action
-“This is Vermont. Nice color, that rose, especially imported Aberdeen granite, about the most durable” (page 3)
- Rising Action
“Parting a Branch of the heavy thicket, Mr. Jerome led the way” (page 3)
- Rising Action
“No loans or mortgages may be raised on a burial lot” (page 4)
- Climax
“That cursed bee stung me, that sting cost the bee its life. Then Mr. Jerome began to understand!” (Page 5)
- Falling Action
“I’m not soliciting business, the bees are just going there normal pursuits (page 6)
- Falling Action
“For obvious reasons we can’t have the mourner’s stung”…? (Page 6)
- Denouement
“Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision I should like to buy another lot.” (Page 7)
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