In English 11, we started with a novel study on Fahrenheit. This novel covered the topics of censorship in a society, but it also taught us about basic literary terms. When we got into poetry, it taught us that English and poetry are way more then the grammar and literary terms. We analyzed poems and understood the full meaning. In Poems like 50 Shades, What Kind Of Asian Are You?, and Homecoming King; we learned about identity and what it feels like to be affected by stereotypes. My favorite thing we watched in English was either Homecoming King or Dead Poets Society. Homecoming King showed us that you can still talk about a serious topic with comedy. Dead Poets Society taught us about how censorship can have a negative impact on a group or society. I have to say I enjoyed the poetry unit the most because you get to see that there is a poem for everyone. The most impactful thing I learned in English 11 was taking a piece of writing and analyzing it for the meaning, history and literary terms. One of my favorite times in English was spoken word as well. Overall English 11 was great and has taught me a lot.

Year End Reflection
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