I chose to reflect on the lab we did, making cool rise buns and alphabet soup, I chose to reflect on this lab because, it was different then any lab I have ever done. I also learned a lot about bun/bread making and also ingredients to make a healthy soup. The making of this lab was very fun and that was also a factor in this being my favourite lab. This lab was very enjoyable in the learning process, making process and the taste. We learned how to fold and make six different types of buns, I found this enjoyable because I have always seen these types of buns in the grocery store but I have never had the chance to make them before. It was fun to make a healthy alphabet soup in the microwave, this was also something I have never done before, the soup was also very tasty, yet healthy. both the cool rise buns and alphabet soup turned out amazing (both in look and taste) better then I was expecting, especially the microwaved alphabet soup. Contributing factors in the great outcome of this lab, was teamwork especially time management, like getting the yeast ready, kneading the dough and making the shapes of the actual buns. With the alphabet soup my group was very organized with the time management in making the soup and baking the buns, these were all key factors in this lab being excellent. We did this lab in a full group of four people, my group worked excellent together, weather it was making the shape of the buns, to microwaving the soup, even to the end of the lab when we were doing cleanup. One downfall my group had was when we were splitting up the duties. this lab involved a lot of procedures and we were working in a full group so we had to strategically split up different duties because time was a key factor in this lab with using yeast in the making of the buns. This lab was very enjoyable as it is, but it would be fun if we made a variety of more breads like, garlic bread, or pull apart bread. For the alphabet soup, I liked how it was a quick and easy recipe that we could make at home, but maybe I would make it with a pot instead because I feel the flavours would combine better together and it would heat up faster then a microwave. Overall I really enjoyed this lab, and it was a thumbs up for me!

Pictures of lab:

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March Lab Reflection- Foods 11- Cool Rise Buns & Alphabet Soup
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One thought on “March Lab Reflection- Foods 11- Cool Rise Buns & Alphabet Soup

  • April 25, 2018 at 11:53 pm

    I’m glad that both of the dishes surprised you, Michael! I like both of them quite a bit. Excellent analysis of the lab – well done!


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