Community Connection

For my Community Connections project, I reached out to Norify who is a content creator I found through a streaming platform called Twitch.  The reason that I chose Norify for my Community Connections project is that I have been watching her videos and streams for a while now and I really enjoy them.  



  1. Can you explain your roles and responsibilities with your current position?

“By roles I’m assuming you mean jobs involved in my work so I’m an editor, entertainer, video producer, and photo editor. I would say my responsibility is to be a good influence towards my viewers.” 

  1. What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

” I’ve had to deal with burn-out which is where you work on so much content to the point where you are physically or emotionally exhausted. I would spend countless days just creating content, which isn’t healthy. I eventually figured out a schedule to have a good balance between work, school, and home life. (Which I sometimes still ignore lmao)” 

  1. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“Make sure you take all the precautions to protect yourself. Don’t expose any personal information and consider having a “persona” where all your information is a different name from yourself. For example, I have a different email than my personal email which I use for all my content. Just be safe!” 

  1. Why are you passionate about your job or role?

“I’ve loved doing content creation since I was a little kid. Being able to have the resources to make content at my age now has given me the chance to give back. When I was a kid I always loved youtubers like stampylongnose, Danton, etc. so being able to do what they do and be someone’s “comfort creator” is something that has kept me going and loving every moment of it.”

  1. What inspired you to start content creation?

“Tommyinnit and ranboo were huge inspirations for me. Seeing them succeed through hard work and creative content inspired me to make my own content and believe in myself.”

  1. What is your favourite part of creating content?

“Theres so much to love about content creation, but the fan base is my favorite. The fact that I can start a stream at any time and still have countless people tune in and want to watch my content is still astonishing to me. I love having such a kind, welcoming fan base and I wouldn’t change it for anything.”


I learned better ways to be safe on the internet other than just not sharing personal data such as addresses or credit card information. Using a different email can also help keep you safe. I also learned that maintaining a good schedule is important because it will help prevent burnout. I think that having a schedule is a great idea!


Instagram Profile.   Character.

Thank you, Nori!!<3