Week 6 – Math 11

This week in math, we started our next unit. We learned how to factor trinomials using the area method.


3x^2 + 14x+ 15

9x+5x=15x so this is what the square would look like.

This is the easiest way for me to solve a trinomial because I am able to visualize what the answer would be.


Week 5 – Math 11

This week in math, I learned a sneaky way of dividing a mixed radical by an entire radical.


\frac{2\sqrt{6}}{\sqrt{6\sqrt{7}}} = \frac{2}{\sqrt{7}}

The “sneaky” part is how you can turn the entire radical into 2 other radicals.

For example:



\sqrt{42} =/sqrt{6} * $latex /sqrt{7}

Learning this was like a light switch that went off. I suddenly understood everything much better. We had a question similar to this on the practice PowerPoint before the test. This is something interesting that I got out of it that I hadn’t noticed before.