Abuse Role-Play – PE9

I showed my growth in Social Competencies by doing the Drug Abuse PE project. I showed this by bringing the camera and filming the video. It was my job and responsibility to remember to bring the camera and also to edit and send the video to everyone. One way I can improve is by writing parts of the script as well.

1. What are the influences involved in your role-play? (i.e., difference of opinion, going against your values, pressure from friends, pressure from a dating partner, etc.)

-Going against friends

-Telling your friends off

-Not being afraid to tell them what’s wrong.


Scene 1:

Eunice/Jieun: [Sitting down counting money]

Eunice/Jieun: (sighs)

Eunice: What are we going to do? We need money for the party this weekend

Jieun: I don’t know. Is there a way to get money fast?

Eunice: (hmmm…) Oh! I know! What if we sell prescription drugs to students at school?

Jieun: That’s a great idea!

Eunice: I have some at home, and I know a student who we can sell it to. Meet me today at 5?

Jieun: Sounds like a plan


Scene 2:

Eunice and Jieun selling prescription drugs to Michaela.

Michaela hands them the money.

{Ryder and Andisha come into the scene}

Ryder: What’re you guys doing?

Eunice and Jieun show looks of surprised that they got caught

Jieun: Oh.. Hey Ryder…

Eunice: Nothing. Nothing at all

Andisha: Are you guys earning money by selling stuff again!

Ryder: We told you to stop doing that!

Jieun: What’re we suppose to do then, huh!?

Eunice: Not only will we get money, it’s becoming a great business.

Jieun: Maybe you should join us

Andisha: What! No, we’re not taking part of whatever shady business you have

Ryder: Maybe you should stop this nonsense and find a part-time job instead.

Andisha: Think about your future career, you won’t have one if you keep doing this

Jieun: Maybe their right Eunice

Eunice: Yea, I guess

Ryder: We’ll help you find a job and help you spend the money on useful thing


3. Explain how your conflict/issue was resolved. What skills were used to resolve this conflict/issue?

Our problem was resolved by telling the characters that what they are doing is wrong and that it will impact their future. The skills they use talking peacefully, we’re calm and reasonable.

4. How would using these skills make the person in the role-play more resilient?

They were resilient by talking calmly to the other people and being reasonable without upsetting them and showing them what they were doing wrong.

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