A Mountain Journey

  1. Dave was out in the wilderness because he had 50 pounds of fur and was going to the market to sell it.
  2. He falls in ice-cold water and his hands get extremely cold. He talks about how much his shoulders hurt and he can’t feel his fingers and toes.
  3. He didn’t trust his instincts. He should have stayed under a tree for the night with fire to warm up but he didn’t and regrets it. He wasn’t prepared enough and did not bring enough food and water.

4.a. Dave is traveling through the mountain to return back so he can sell fur.

b.Dave fell into the river, making his clothes and matchsticks wet, so he can’t use them.

c.When Dave arrives at the cabin he was going to, he discovers it was burned down.

d.Dave decided to keep on traveling to a further cabin, even though he could have stopped to rest.

e.Dave sits in the snow to rest.

f.Dave starts to hallucinate.

g.Dave finally dies from hypothermia


5. Dave is on a mountain covered in snow which makes it extremely cold.

6. The cabin symbolizes warmth and comfort.

“That tree, like a strong and’ lonely woman, called to his weary body to stop. 92

“When he came out of the timber, the moon threw his shadow on the snow. 97

“Snow like a blanket covered his body and the wind blew snow against his face. 98

“Small dry twigs under a spruce tree would flame-like paper.” 96




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