Propaganda in 1984

orwell-1984-propaganda - Epsilon Theory

Propaganda is a way of relaying information and communicating to a group of people. The information that is being shared is often influenced or biased. Often it is filled with lies and partial truths, with the intention of persuading a larger group of individuals. Propaganda appears often in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. Whether it is through telescreens, or slogans (ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery, war is peace), it is obvious to the reader that propaganda techniques are being used in the narrative. For example, the Two Minutes of Hate provokes chaos in which everyone must follow suite. This is an example of the “Bandwagon” propaganda technique. Another tactic being used by the party is “diversion” as they are constantly referencing a war in Eurasia, imposing information onto civilians to remain within Oceania. Finally, Nineteen Eighty-Four illustrates the “distorted data” technique by changing history and language.

3D Cityscape of “1984”

Physical Setting Quotations
Quote #1:
– “on the walls were scarlet banners of Youth League and spies and a full sized poster of big brother”
Quote #2:
-“there was the usual boiled cabbage smell common to the whole building, but it was shot through by a sharper smell of sweat”

Quote #3:
– “the kitchen sink was full nearly to the brim with filthy greenish water which smelled worse than ever of cabbage”

Quote #4:
– Repairs except what you could do for yourself, had to be sanctioned by remote committees which were liable to hold up even the mending of a window pane for two years”

Emotional Setting Quotations
Quote #5:
-“ The parson’s flat was bigger than Winston and dingey in a different way” 23
Quote #6:

– “as if the place had just been visited by some large violent animal.”

1984 Politics

Political compass test: do you think gay people have the right to exist? me: yes. Political compass test: | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes | Political Compass | Know Your Meme

The Political Spectrum is classified as a way to define different political positions with the use of four quadrants. The right and left wing politics are presented in the horizontal line. The right side is associated with conservative views, to limit change and instill traditional values. Being on the far right side would show an extreme nationalist viewpoint, such as fascism. Meanwhile the left wing supports progressive reforms and equality. However the far left is considered more extreme, revolutionary thinking, such as communism. The vertical line is where the libertarian and authoritarian concepts are defined. The bottom half of the axis depicts libertarianism or the belief that personal freedom should be prevalent. The top half is authoritarianism or the belief that authority should be constantly followed. To summarize, a political spectrum shows each quadrant’s relation to one another.  In 1984, the government is known as Ingsoc or the English Socialist Party. My guess is that Ingsoc falls under the “red quadrant” as it includes socialist and authoritarian principles. However I do believe that this government should be classified closer to the vertical axis, or near the blue. Ingsoc may be classified as fascism or socialism; combining the two principles in their governing tactic.

Why did George Orwell write 1984?

George Orwell - 1984, Books & Quotes - Biography

George Orwell is an author who is known for writing the dystopian novel, 1984. Orwell served in the second world war, and after seeing what was out there, he felt compelled to give his readers a warning. Orwell began to noticed the pitfalls in every government, and therefore began writing. He described himself as democratic socialist, which inspired his narratives, such as “Animal Farm,” and “1984.” He wrote 1984 based off of a possible future as a response to the dictatorship and totalitarianism that he observed during the war. His writing served as a political criticism that he shared with his readers. The novel demonstrated Orwell’s predictions for the year 1984 such as cameras, censorship, and brainwashing propaganda.