English 9
The Veldt Blackout Poem – English Honours 9
I chose to do my blackout poem on alienation. Originally I was not planning on doing so, yet when I randomly turned to this page and read it, it spoke to me. I think that this theme can connect deeply with my poem. I wrote it as to what i imagine someone who cannot be separated and alone without their device. Almost the sensation drowning in their over consumption. My poem touches a lot on the movement of time, “20 minutes, an hour…” I chose to portray this and connect it with how easy it is to lose track of time being so absorbed in your technology. To add on, there are parts of the poem that repeat which a poetic device but also illustrates and reinforce the repetition of technology and how much one can be on it. Finally, another line that I think demonstrates this narrative of being alienated is “The wave of air, this time, was either interest or surprised, only misery”. I think this line can be connected bad to how so much information is on our fingertips but also how one who is alienated and addiction can also just feel numb. Touching on the imagery of my blackout poem, my goal was to make it chaotic but also empty at the same time. This was a challenge, but it was important to me as that is what I imagine someone’s head to be like.
Indigenous Exploration – Living Conditions Podcast
Here is Kirra and I’s Podcast on the impact of Residential Schools on Indigenous People in Canada.
Group : Meha Muralidharan, Kirra Whitehead
Topic : Living Conditions
Editing software : iMovie
“Education for Indigenous Peoples.” United Nations, United Nations, https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/mandated-areas1/education.html.
“Living Conditions for First Nations ‘Unacceptable’: Fontaine | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 6 Feb. 2007, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/living-conditions-for-first-nations-unacceptable-fontaine-1.680540.
“Social Conditions of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.” The Canadian Encyclopedia, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/native-people-social-conditions#:~:text=Overcrowding%20is%20another%20issue%20affecting,in%20housing%20that%20was%20crowded.).