Physics 11 Midterm Reflection and Goal Setting

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Pilar 4: Personal Responsibility

Current strengths :

I come to class with all necessary materials. I come ready to learn and I am able to use my class time effectively because I don’t have much time after school. Something I am proud of is the way I communicate my work by showing every step and explaining myself concisely and clearly.

Areas of future growth:

Something I need to work on, is asking questions to improve my understanding. As my schedule get busy and I miss lessons, it is imperative that I ask my teacher and peers questions. Sometimes when I get stuck, I simply move on instead of asking for help. In order to set myself up for success, I need to get more comfortable asking questions.

Specific goal(s) in relation to the above noted growth (Think “SMART” Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound. ) 

My goal for the rest of the term is to ask for help/clarification whenever I need it. If I don’t feel confident, I will start by asking my peers for help. If I am still uncertain, I will ask the teacher for help. I will know I have completed this goal when I am doing my final review for the upcoming units; I will know how to approach every question because I have asked peers and the teacher for help with details that I would have otherwise not clarified (and gone with my gut instead).

Revisiting Midterm Goal Setting – June 17th

Did you meet your goal? Be specific and provide examples?

I would say I met my goals, especially when it came to the motor project. I had no idea how to start this project, so I would often find myself asking Ms. Jackson simple questions that would not give me the answer but would lead me in the right direction. Ultimately, I know this helped me because our motor project ended up being very successful. I learned that asking for help and troubleshooting independently go hand in hand.

What success/challenges were you faced with in working towards your goal? 

Because my goal was asking more questions, I did not face any physical challenges. The only thing was that I had to overcome any nerves and ask for help.

What steps/strategies did you use to meet your goal?

Before I asked any questions, I tried to figure it out on my own. If I couldn’t figure it out on my own or with peers, I asked the teacher.

Is there anything you are particularly proud of?

Besides the car, like I already mentioned, I’m proud of my mark on my electricity test. This was the hardest unit for me, and I had to ask lots of questions. These questions and answers were very helpful because I took the test late, but all the material stuck with me – even two weeks later.

Is there anything you would have done differently? 

The only thing I would have done differently, is start asking questions sooner. If I asked more questions earlier in the semester, I would have understood what was expected from me in labs, etc.

Does your goal need to be modified for future courses? Can it be modified for future courses?

Considering math and science are not my best subjects, I think this goal can be moved into those courses in my grade 12 year. I should not be embarrassed to ask my teachers for help, because it is their job. For other types of classes, it does not need to be modified just maybe the frequency needs to be adjusted.

What goal would you like to focus on in your next semester courses?

For math and science courses, I would like to continue with this same goal. However, next year my goal will be to stay physically organized with my schoolwork. This means using online tools and agendas, but also organizing handouts and assignments in a binder, and bringing the materials I need to class.

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