Desmos Signature MAth 10 FPC 2023

In my creative process, I knew I wanted to draw a little picture beside my name, because Meha is not a long name. I used point slope form for all my equations as it made all the details show up very clearly. To begin, I made sure to be aware about where I was placing each letter so that I could ensure that it was centered. From there I played around with different numbers to find the right starting points, angles, etc. As I kept going, I got into the rhythm. I certainly think you can tell the improvement room my first few letters, from my last few and my Saturn. The Saturn icon was a impulsive decision I made after I could not figure out how to create a pointe shoe that I would be proud to turn in. Every time I tried to make the pointe shoe perfect, it would simply just not look how I imagined it in my head. I chose the Saturn references on of my favourite Taylor swift song lyrics: “love you to the moon, and to Saturn.” This helped me understand this unit a lot more because it helped me visualize what these equations, we were spending time working on in class. Seeing it play out helped me visualize the concept, which in turn made me understand everything much easier. Since we did more than just slope and intercepts, and combined domain, range and more, I was able to clearly comprehend what each number, symbol, and bracket meant in the point slope form equation.

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