Public Broadcasting Introduction

CBC Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG


Public broadcasting is a multimedia platform that consist of radio, television and other media platforms. Funding for public broadcasting comes from the government and taxpayer money. Canada’s public broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), provides free services such as sports streaming, music, and news. The CBC also curates to minorities and people in rural areas. Programs directed to minority communities are easy to make on public broadcasting services, because they aren’t searching for high views, like a private broadcaster. However, some may not agree with the CBC as 400 million dollars worth of funding comes from advertisers, which can potentially lead to bias towards these corporations. Overall, public broadcasting is extremely appealing to the general public as its services unite our nation and is adaptive to the demographic of the country.

One thought on “Public Broadcasting Introduction

  1. Thanks for your response on Public Broadcasting and the CBC, you seem to have absorbed the information regarding this platform for media.

    Mr. Barazzuol
    English Teacher

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