- Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.
This week I was very productive. After finishing my third and final attempt at my darning project, it was ready to hand it. Then, I finished hemming my shorts and also handed those in. The rest of the week I began my inquiry project. I decided that I am going to make a snail stuffed animal, possibly several and make them into ornaments. I practiced some basic crochet stitches using various yarn in order to see what work best.
2 . Your biggest struggle of the week.
This week, my biggest struggle was understanding the pattern/tutorial for my stuffed snail. I tried many things, and realized after that I had messed up. Luckily with crochet I am able to simply pull the yarn and restart without worrying about waste.
3. Your biggest success of the week
My biggest success was my overall productivity of the week. I finished two projects and started another one. This makes me feel good as we go into our final week before the break.
4. Goal for next week
Since the snails are small, I hope to finish at least 1 snail before the break, and possibly work on more during my time at home.