The fact How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future?
Although Darwin didn’t have any evidence to prove his theory of evolution. His theory explains that all animals come from the same prehistoric animals, which were fish. Over time, all animals adapted and mutated to create new species that can survive the new environments that they are introduced to. For example, humans have evolved from a type of fish, to apes into humans. This happened so that we could survive the conditions we were put into. This example was part of his theory as well, where he suggested that humans and chimps are relatives, which means that they are both descendants of the same ancestor. That ancestor would be fish that once existed in the oceans. At the time, he had no concrete evidence since science wasn’t as advanced as it is now, but now that we have the ability to analyse DNA, we know that he was correct all along. Scientists were able to study ape DNA and compare it to human DNA. They found very close similarities in our genes, proving Darwin’s theory that humans and chimps are related. We also found with that, that we are 99% the same genetically as chimps. Similarily, he theorized that all animals now on the Earth are descendants of fish. This couldn’t have been proven until modern day scientists found Tiktaalik, a prehistoric animal that was a transitional form with a fish body and the same bone structure found in all four-legged animals. This animal proves that his theory was once again correct because we can see from Tiktaalik that this species transitioned to be able to go onto land which explains how animals that only lived in the water ended up moving onto land.