Science 10 - Honours Uncategorized

Cracking The Flame Secret!

Today, we did some interesting experiments involving flames, chemical reactions and equations.

We first started by adding the chemicals together in test tubes. Then, we got a flame or ember and placed it in the gas created from the chemical mixture to see the reaction. Overall, this was a very intriguing lab and I found myself enjoying seeing the different chemicals reactions that occurred.


Calcium Metal and Water


The gas that we were testing for in this experiment was hydrogen gas. When the flame came in contact with the gas created, it made a loud popping sound and caused the flame to extinguish. This reaction shows that we did indeed succeed in creating hydrogen gas using calcium metal and water. We know that this is the reaction we were looking for because when the Hydrogen (the gas created) and Oxygen (used to keep the flame burning) were mixed together it formed an explosive mixture/reaction. So, when a burning splint is brought near the gas mixture, it explodes. Since the amount of gas is very small only a small pop sound is produced. This is what extinguishes the splinter.


Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide


The gas that we were testing for in this experiment was oxygen gas. When the ember came in contact with the gas created, the glowing splint caught on fire with a small “pop” sound. This reaction shows that we did indeed succeed in creating oxygen gas using the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. We know that this is the reaction we were looking for because fire needs oxygen and fuel to ignite and having created oxygen gas through this experiment, caused the ember to ignite. The small popping noise occurred because of how fast the heat and oxygen molecules reacted to each other.


Sodium Carbonate & Hydrochloric Acid


The gas that we were testing for in this experiment was carbon dioxide gas. When the flame came in contact with the gas created, it went out. This reaction shows that we did indeed succeed in creating carbon dioxide gas using sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. We know that this is the reaction we were looking for because carbon dioxide takes away any oxygen. So, when the flame which needs oxygen to keep burning, came in contact with the carbon dioxide gas, the flame extinguished.


This insight about how these chemicals react with flames or embers can be extremely useful for people in their everyday lives.Without knowing about these chemical reactions, people could be unconsciously endangering their lives. However, with this knowledge people can take the proper precautions to prevent anything dangerous regarding these gases and flames to happen. People could with this knowledge, help prevent fires from occurring or help stop them from spreading.



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