Indigenous Exploration- Health



Your experiences creating this assignment:

My experience creating this assignment was good. The research we did was informative and eye-opening to the inequities Indigenous people face. I believe that it is really important for us to know what is going on in our world, and without this project, I wouldn’t’ve known half of the things I do now. I also found learning about the traditional healing methods and healing ceremonies of Indigenous people really fascinating.

Your group’s path to researching the topic:

My group’s path to researching this topic was to split off into the different sub-topics of Indigenous health (physical, mental, emotional, and traditional healing), and each research one specific aspect. Because there were three of us, we were able to thoroughly research at least one sub-topic and help each other find information as well. Then, after we had gathered all the information, we combined it on our shared word document and began writing the script, sharing ideas, and collaborating.

Obstacles or items you learnt in recording:

While recording, I learned how sensitive the microphones were, and how hard it is to record a 6-minute podcast. Firstly, we had a problem with the microphones because I was sitting in front of the noise-sensitive part. I knew the microphones were going to pick up the exact sounds (they’re microphones for goodness sake!) but I didn’t realize the extent of how sensitive they were. It took a few tries to figure out how far back I needed to sit so my voice was the same volume as Maddy and Hanan’s. We also learned how hard it was to speak for the 6-minute podcast without messing up our words. We took so many takes and had to start over so many times that we ran out of time using the microphone on Wednesday, but were luckily able to get one last minute and record our script on Thursday.

Core Competency reflection- Communication:

Some ways I communicated my learning were through the podcast recording, putting information in a shared word document, and writing the script for our podcast. The actual podcast is a big way I communicated my learning because all of the information my group and I found was communicated orally through the recording. We each got a large portion to speak and had to effectively use our communicative skills to produce a good end result. The second way I communicated my learning was through a shared word document. When I put my research into the shared word document, my group mates were able to pull from the information I had found, use the websites, and know what stage I was in for my research. The third and final way I communicated my learning was through writing the script. I had to be able to talk to my groupmates about what I had learned, what we should put in the podcast, and how we needed to incorporate it so everything flowed smoothly.


2 thoughts on “Indigenous Exploration- Health

  1. Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:

    – All elements of the assignment’s post were well done and properly uploaded
    – Reflection on blog explains process taken to complete the assignment
    – Clear audio quality and delivery, although the music is a bit loud and drowns out the voices in the beginning
    – You work well off of one another, seems well reheased
    – Podcast is well done

    Overall, this assignment was well done. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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