Science-Poco Trail Walk Earth Spheres


This picture includes all 4 Spheres:

The Biosphere: Mushrooms, Leaves, Grass, Branches
The Hydrosphere: Water droplets from rain, Moisture on the leaves
The Geosphere: Dirt, Rocks
Atmosphere: Air

The Biosphere and Geosphere in this photo are being affected by the rain, which is part of the Hydrosphere. The rain has wet the soil, affecting the Geosphere, and it provides water for the surrounding plants, affecting the Biosphere. The rain also gives an opportunity for organisms that require damper environments to grow.  For example, the rain has wet the ground enough so the mushrooms in the photo were able to grow over the past week.


This picture includes 3 Spheres:

The Biosphere: Leaves, Tree, Dead Fish
The Hydrosphere: Rain, River
Atmosphere: Air

The river (Hydrosphere) and the Biosphere are being affected by the dead fish in this photo (Biosphere). While the dead fish decomposes, it will be adding probably some sort of nutrients into the water (affecting the Hydrosphere) that might be good for other organisms (affecting the Biosphere).


This picture includes all 4 Spheres:

The Biosphere: Leaves, Moss, Tree, Bushes, Branches, Ferns
The Hydrosphere: River, Rain
The Geosphere: River bank of Rocks, Dirt
Atmosphere: Air

The Biosphere and Geosphere are being affected by the Hydrosphere in this image.  Since it is raining so hard, the river has risen and a lot bigger than normal (Hydrosphere). Because of this, the little banks of rocks on the river were covered with the river water (Geosphere). This also affects the Biosphere because if an animal wanted to go down to the river, they would have trouble finding a spot where the rocks weren’t covered. The trees and plants (Biosphere) are also affected by the rain because everything becomes damp, which allows plants and moss to grow.


This picture includes 3 Spheres:

The Biosphere: Mushrooms, Leaves, Dead Tree
The Hydrosphere: Rain
Atmosphere: Air

The dead tree and mushrooms(Biosphere) in this photo are being affected by the rain (Hydrosphere) in this photo. The rain is wetting the dead and hollowed out tree, soaking into it’s wood and causing it to become soft and damp. The tree then becomes the perfect environment for mushrooms to grow.


This picture includes all 4 Spheres:

The Biosphere: Leaves, Grass, Weeds
The Hydrosphere: Rain, Puddle
The Geosphere: Dirt
Atmosphere: Air

The grass, weeds (Biosphere) and dirt (Geosphere) are being affected by the rain puddle (Hydrosphere) in this photo. The dirt, after being affected by the rain, becomes mud and liquid-y. The weeds and grass becomes marshy. This creates a very squishy and swampy puddle.


This picture includes all 4 Spheres:

The Biosphere: Leaves, Grass, Sticks
The Hydrosphere: Water puddle, Rain
The Geosphere: Gravel, Mud, Dirt
Atmosphere: Air

The grass (Biosphere) and Dirt (Geosphere) are being affected by the Rain (Hydrosphere) as well in this photo. The grass is being turned wet and mucky, as well as the dirt when it mixed with the rain, creating a giant mud puddle.

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