Math 9 Final Review 2017

The difference between Mean, Median and Mode Mean is the average out of the group of numbers, a central idea of the group. By finding the mean you must add all numbers and proceed by dividing the answer by the amount of numbers that are in the group. Example: The group of numbers, 7, 6 and […]

11.4 Missleading Statistics

The article on fake Facebook accounts makes me think of how people can be misleading and how although we may see them and think we know them, they not beat all who we think they are. It definitely made me realize that I should be more careful with who I let follow me on different social […]


I believe statistics plays a big part in our society. Lately we have many opinions on political views and actions. We use statistics to form those opinions and learn more about politics by doing so. I learned that it is not always easy to believe or trust all statistics or surveys as they may be quite bias […]

11.1 Factors Influencing Data Collection

We learned about data collection and surveys. There was a question from 2004 asking if shops/stores in Nova Scotia should be open on Sundays. I believe they should be and I vote yes on the subject. When I first read the article I thought that it was a simple and straight forward question. But after […]

LateX coding

Example 1 : Exponent Example 2 : two digit exponent Example 3 : Change size Example 4 : adding in operations Example 5 : Fractions Example 6 :  change background colour Example 7 : change background colour highlighter  

My digital footprint

What are the three strategies that you can use? Make sure to have secure passwords with numbers. Be sure to have supervision if you don’t feel comfortable enough on your own. Don’t go onto any questionable sites or links. What advice do you have? To be responsible, be true to yourself and to think before […]