Mutation Story-Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Lea’s Mutation

I’m a gene named Marcel, I live in the wonderful body of Lea Saviaro who is 10 years of age. Here is our journey…

Lea is 10 years old, born on June 22nd, 2006. She’s a very happy girl with a wonderful family and a beautiful home. However she was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at birth. She sometimes has troubles swallowing and breathing, it’s really upsetting. I wish I could do something but it’s incurable. She gets made fun for it a lot at school but I feel like she should be proud! Stephen Hawking had it and he was a genius!!

Image result for steven hawking

Lea is like this because my mother gene was broken and made a copy which is me, I feel guilty. Because of this malfunction, her body can’t produce a certain type of protein. Without it, the cells in her body that control muscles die. It’s the most severe type of Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Image result for broken cells

Lea is in a wheel chair and can’t support her head. She is tremendously lucky to have made it so far in life. She suffers from type 1 SMA and usually people suffering from type 1 sadly do not make it past 2 years old. This doesn’t stop her from playing games and having fun! She enjoys reading, writing stories and listening to music. She has a computer just like Stephen Hawking that she does all her work on. I’m very proud of Lea for being so strong and fighting this at such a young age.

During this project on mutations, in order to find out information on SMA, I had to search, how SMA affects people and children, different types of SMA, how is the gene affected, famous people living with SMA, etc.

I used google search for my information;

I looked up information on whether or not you can live life naturally and asked around family and friends who may have know anyone with this mutation.

I made sure the website’s address bar was verified by google and if there were any grammatical errors in the text.

It went well, I enjoyed working on this topic because it interested me since I hadn’t heard much on it and heard lots about other topics. For future reference, I would have looked more up on the subject to know more on how it would be to live as a person or child with this mutation.

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