Robot Takes Over Citizens Life
Mateo Carrillo
This morning a siting of a duplicated robot was found matching the same identity as a male citizen who goes by the name of Brailing and claims he used a duplication of himself, so he could travel to Rio.
Unfortunately he didn’t make it to Rio and was found dead in a box in his basement. Local researches have identified Brailing and people are furious hearing this information the citizens of the city were devastated finding out he made a robot clone of himself.
Mean while Brailing’s wife never knew it was a robot Brailing’s wife thought he wanted to change turns out it took a turn and ended in taking his own life in a box. Some reporters claimed he was like a walking marionet. And was sadly denied his trip to Rio.
Breaking News: A Marionette was found breaking into a local Walmart for some strings Walmart employed said in an interview “It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed in my whole life working for Walmart” authority’s and the local police are still looking for enough evidence to hold the marionette as hostage. Marionette said in a recent interview “it wasn’t me I was framed!” Currently during this time he is being held accountable and is in court fighting for his rights. What do you think should happen?