In 2013, the commercial “Father And Daughter” created by Extra gum is based on a girl who’s father who takes the rapper and makes origami every time she chews gum and is mainly about chewing gum and growing up.
The name of the company is known as the gum brand called extra and the product being used for this commercial is gum knowing that extra is a gum producing company. Who do you think is the target audience? Why? The intended audience for gum is usually meant for all ages above four. why do I think it doesn’t have a strict age limit? is because gum is meant for everyone to enjoy and chew on gum. The commercial itself looks more teen and older based of the film its not like cartoon and childish looking. What advertising techniques are being used in the ad? (explain and apply at least two)The two techniques being used are plain folks because we don’t know these individuals they are not famous people or big at all. The other method used in this commercial is emotional appeal because it is showing nostalgic past when the dad drops the box full of origami from when she was little and growing up the story itself show basically emotion.