Writing Types

a) In your own words, what are the four writing types? The first out of the four is expository. Expository means  to explain your probably wondering what can this be used for well expository can be used in a textbook writing, articles, recopies, and story’s because it is an explained detail. now for the second types of writing in English this is known as being descriptive this can be used to describe things in a more detailed and authentic way of giving information too someone because it is more detailed than it switches gears too. the third stage which is called the persuasive stage. Persuasive can be used as not really clear information because it is someone’s opinion and based off of what you should do and this is said by the reader. Narrative the fourth and final stage this is someone talking about their story or describing it and is being said by someone their is an middle and an end.

B)After reading the comic, “Represent,” by Christian Cooper, which writing type would this be categorized under?   this writing type can be used as narrative because  in the story someone is narrating over what is happening this can also be seen as persuasive because in the story the older man and the girl with the dog assume he is up too no good and is a hoodlum and is a thug. this is also known as expository because in the book you can see faces of African American people who went threw police brutality and dealt with racisms just as the same way the young boy has gone through.

c) What is the comic showing us? The comic itself shows how people are immature and not smart enough to know how dumb the people saying these negative words too Christian it. Also shows how black people in the United States and around the world are treated differently from people with privileges’ which i think is not ok and right to do because at the end of the day we both bleed the same blood.

George Floyd: What happened in the final moments of his life - BBC News



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