“The Veldt” Post-Reading Questions Name ____Matej____________ Block _A_____
Please write your answers in complete sentences.
- How would you describe each of the four main characters?
George: Wants a change doesn’t want his kids to be glued to the machines and learn how to live life. He cares about real life and not fake robots.
Lydia: sometimes goes with George but also goes with peter sometimes
Peter: Addicted not willing to change selfish does not care. He is the most addicted to technology and can’t stop.
Wendy: She is a little bit more aware of herself she always goes on her brothers side. She is also really into technology
- What mistakes have George and Lydia made in raising their children? Give examples.
They have glued them to the way of tech and they couldn’t leave it This hopefully will never happen to my kids. They brought them into a world of fantasy and they will never experience in real life.
- Who is parenting the children in the story? Explain.
The technology because the kids only do what the technology wants them to do and the parents get killed when voicing their opinion on the case. The machines changed their mindset and turned their back on their parents.
- What message or moral is Ray Bradbury trying to send his readers about technology? (THEME) Give examples from the story to support this theme.
Sooner or later it will get to you and you can end up in a mental hospital and possibly be killing people. So I think the moral is too not get too attached and to get a life outside of the fake world of technology.
- What conflicts do the characters in the story face? Give examples.
They face themselves because they are fighting with their own families. Also it is person vs technology and they get to the point of being so addicted that technology can kill their parents.
- “The Veldt” was published in 1951. It offers a view of what Bradbury predicted family life and technology would be like around the year 2000. Is it an accurate view? Why or why not? What predictions are correct? Incorrect? What does he leave out?
The prices. He did not know that it is currently unable to make a room that can kill people. But yes he predicted the year that this would happen and also he predicted that kids would get addicted to technology and lose their lives.