Week 8 Blog Posts

This week in Math we had our unit 3 test on Factoring and The quadratic Formula. The start of the unit I found easy but once we got to completing the square I had to go home and get my parents to help me. The thing I found the hardest for this unit was completing the square. We have started doing a new unit. So far we have mainly just been plotting points and filling in T charts. This weekend I have been studying for my Mid Term on Tuesday. My mom as helped me study by writing me quizzes and finding more work for me to do.

The hardest thing I found on the test was completing the square. In this question here the first step you have to do is factor the 3 because its what’s common in the first number. Your first line would be 3(x2-4/3 x) +5. The next thing you have to do is 4/3×1/2=4/6=2/3.  You then get 2/3 squared which you have to square both numbers and you get 4/9 which is your final answer. These questions I found the hardest because I didn’t know how to start the question which is the most important part when doing these types of questions.


How to Complete the Square (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Week 7 Blog Post

This week in Math we learned about developing and applying the Quadratic formula. I have been going in at lunch to help me prepare for the next upcoming test. The group work this week has helped me out but I was still stuck on a few things so I had to ask my parents for help when I got home. At first it was hard for me to tell which number was A,B or C. Now that I have practiced it I feel like I know it now.

I have received this I report for my Math class which is something I have never received before. Having received an I report is very upsetting to me. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well in school and effort is the most important thing to me. I am really trying but struggling at a course in school is a new thing for me to overcome. I am really upset with myself because I had all the blogs done, I just didn’t post them properly (I didn’t realize they were in draft form). I need to do a better job at double checking to make sure I hand in things properly. Please provide me with feedback on my blog posts and skills check so I can make the improvements and do better on my future blog posts and skills checks. I appreciate your support and encouragement moving forward in math as I really want to do better in this course.


This week I have really focussed on doing practice tests I have made for myself. I hope this will help me become more confident on this unit as well as get a better result on my unit 3 test.

It wouldn’t let me download so I had to put a link in. Please let me know if you can’t see it.

Math Picture 4

In this question on solving the Quadratic Formula the first step you need to do is find what number is A then what number is B then what number is C. A will always be the first number in the equation. Number B is always be the middle or it has a variable x. Then C is aways the number just before the equal sign. If the number is equal to 0 than C will always be the number before the equal sign.

Math Blog Post Week 2

In Math this week we learned about many new things. This week was definitely harder than the first week. We learned about Powers with positive rational exponents and Powers with Negative rational exponents. For me I found turning an entire radical into mixed radical the hardest. I am going to need to study for the test this week if I want to do well on this test.

Math Picure 2

It wouldn’t let me download so I had to put a link in. Please let me know if you can’t see it.

For this question on turning entire radicals into mixed radicals you first have to start by see what two number multiple together to get 45. I know that 9 and 5 is so I used those. Then you need to rescue the 9 to 3 time 3 because that is its simplest form. then you use the lowest possible form of 9 and 3 for your answer. Your final answer should be 3 root 5 because 3 is its simplest form and 5 can’t be reduced.




Math Blog Post Week 3

This week in math we started a new unit on Radical Operations and equations. So far it hasn’t been too bad as I have been doing my homework daily and If I have been stuck I have been asking my parents for some help when I need it. Something I found challenging this week was learning how to identify the values of variables for which a radical is defined. It took my a little bit to figure it out but I got some people from our class to help me and now I feel more confident In it. Hopefully this week I will learn new skills and concepts as I am always ready to learn new things. One thing I need to improve on is asking more questions if Im stuck.

For the first question you have to make sure you square root x. after you do that you need to do it’s restrictions. For this one the final answer would be x is greater than or equal to 0. For the second equation you have to do the something as you did for the first question. in this question you have to see its x-3 so the restrictions would have to be x is greater than or equal to 3. For the 3rd question the first step is to see what the restriction will be. Since 7-5x is greater than 0 than the restriction would have to be something is greater than or equal to 0. the second step is to -5x on the left side to get rid of it, you have to do the same thing to the right side. because whatever you do to one side you have to do to the other. The final answer would be 1.4 or 7/5 is greater than or equal to 0.

Restrictions on Radical Expressions • [5.1a] Pre-Calculus 11 - YouTube

Blog Post Week 4

In math this week we are learning about Radical operations and Equations. In the beginning of the week I found this week challenging because I didn’t have any prior knowledge with this unit. After we did the skills check in then middle of the week I have felt more comfterable with the equations. It really helps me when I do group work because they always help me and Im never afraid to ask questions. I need to start to study this weekend for our test coming up but I hope we can do more review and group work because it really helps me out. When I was doing the word problem on the skills check I got really confused on what to do. I had to use my creative thinking skills and try and work it out because Math is all about fixing problems and finding solutions. I had to find the perimiter of the two shapes. I didn’t realize that we had to cancel out half of the side and add one more side to make it equal.

Math Picture

It wouldn’t let me download so I had to put a link in. Please let me know if you can’t see it.

In this Picture we are solving for x. The first step you have to do is square both sides of the equation. The second step is to -7 to both sides to try to get the x by itself. The last step is to divide both sides by 2. The final answer for this equation is x=9.



Week 6 Blog Post

Week 6 Blog Post

This week in math I was sick, so I had to stay home. At home I learned 3.2 -3.4 in my math workbook. Factoring for me can be easy but I tend to overthink questions and make them harder for myself when I can just do it the simple way. Something I found challenging this week was 3.3 on Solving Quadradic Equations because I had to learn it on my own. The thing I found the hardest in 3.3 was the quadradic equations because when I was teaching myself, I got confused on where to start. I had to use my creative thinking skills to find different ways to find the answer while showing as much work as possible. I had my mom quiz me this weekend on all the questions. The skill checks weren’t too bad but the last two equation questions got me stuck so I after I finished, I went and watched videos on it. This week has been harder because I’ve had to teach myself most things in this unit. My goal for this week is to get fully caught up which I think I am and start studying for my next math test.

For this question you need see what numbers that multiply that will get you to -11x. There is 2 numbers which is -4 and 3x. That = -12x but you need something else to get you to -11x. That number would be 1. The final answer you get for this question is (3x+1) (x-4).

3 Ways to Solve Quadratic Equations - wikiHow

Week 5 Blog Post

Week 5 Blog post

This week in Math we prepared for our unit 2 test. This week was more of a review week to prepare ourselves for our tests. I did do better on this test, but I am still not satisfied about the marks I have been getting on these tests. I have been studying for these tests, but I still don’t really see a huge improvement. I am trying to ask my peers and Ms. Burton more questions so I can fully grasp these challenging concepts. I have to start doing better on tests and finding a more useful way to study. Personally, I am a really bad test taker because I’m always afraid to make mistakes, but I have to change my mindset when I go into the test because I know more than I think I know. A challenging question on the test was the second last on the perimeter of the smaller square. I tried different ways to find out the sides like trying to find the area of the smaller square and trying to find the perimeter of the whole square. I am not sure if I got this challenging question right, but I don’t feel very confident that I did. My goal for this week is to do a better job preparing for my test which is going home doing my homework right away and then studying for 30 minutes every day just so I can fully grasp these concepts. After this week I will see if this strategy is helping.

Math Picure 3

It wouldn’t let me download so I had to put a link in. Please let me know if you can’t see it.

For this question on ordering these numbers from least to greatest I put all of them into a entire radical to see what one was the biggest and what one was the smallest. There was two number that were both 24. The one with the negative would be less because a positive is always greater than a negative.

Humanities Blog Post

Humanities Blog Post: Are the Studies of Humanities important?

By Markus Jack

Humanities, what is that? Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture. I believe the studies of Humanities are important to study because it is important for a healthy democracy and community. I believe studying humanities will open many opportunities for future success. A reason why studying Humanities is so important is communication. Learning English is one of the most important things in the world because so many different countries speak it. You always see exchange students come to our country to try and learn our language because it is so important to them to learn it. Also, reading and writing are crucial too. Learning how to read has helped me drastically in school which makes me motivated to further extend my knowledge in Humanities. Writing is a skill that is important in many parts of life. In her January 2018 article Devaluing a Humanities Education Ultimately Devalues Humanity Itself, writer Mandy Pipher talks about her experience at Oxford University. She feels that students at her school think having an English Degree isn’t as important as a Math or Science Degree. I agree with what Many Pipher is arguing about. I believe there are so many opportunities with an English degree. Some examples include teaching in K-12 classrooms, a writer, a publisher, teaching English abroad, private tutoring, and social media management. In the video “Why We Don’t Study Humanities”, Margarita G has a similar thesis for the importance of the Humanities for society. She believes that people tend to think of getting an English degree as a joke. In movies an English degree is portrayed as an easy degree to get. 20 seconds into the video a woman asks a man what you can do with an English degree. He goes onto saying “you can think deep thoughts about being unemployed”. The Dead Poets Society is such a great example of how important English is in our daily lives. The teacher in the movie tries to inspire the students by looking at things from different perspectives and to help pursue their dreams. The overall message of the video is being able to understand poetry which can lead you to understanding movies and allow you to read your family and friends moods and beliefs. I wish more people would see this video and for the people who saw this I’m hoping they were as impacted as I was. Humanities is so important for our daily life and can help with so many different aspects. Being able to communicate through speaking, listening, reading, and writing will allow you to become more successful in life. In conclusion, I believe studying Humanities is important not just for me, but it will benefit everyone. Before our class discussed this, I never realized how important Humanities is to me and how much we need Humanities in our society and our daily lives.

  1. Impractical" Humanities Courses | HARTS (Humanities and Arts) Initiative at PCC

Week 1 Blog Post

This week in Math class we learned about rational and irrational numbers in our workbook. Something I learned this week was when I looked at decimals I would get confused if they were rational or irrational. Decimals in rational numbers are repeating or terminating decimals. For example; 3.4 repeating is a rational number because it is repeating. An example of an irrational decimal is pie which is 3.1415…. This is an irrational number because it goes on forever and it is not repeating or terminating. Many of the Math concepts  we learned in class this week was review, therefore next week I will have more Math concepts that I will learn. I am thankful that I got to learn this concept because I can use this moving forward in Math class.

What's the Difference Between Rational and Irrational Numbers? | HowStuffWorks

Spanish 10 Core Competency

For my Core Competency I decided to reflect on my creative thinking skills. I had to use this in both of our projects this year for Spanish 10. I had to use my creative thinking skills to think outside of the box and explain my learning in as many different ways as possible. For our second project we had to do it in partners. My partner and I both had to use our creative thinking skills when we were stuck and couldn’t find any information. We had to be patient and trust that we both did the best that we can do. I am proud of this Project because I don’t really think of my self as a creative person so when I saw I got a good mark it made me proud because all of my hard work throughout the week working on the project finally paid off.