Your digital footprint could possibly affect your future opportunities in many ways. One of the largest reasons on how your digital footprint can affect your future opportunities is that it can cause you to loose your job or not get a job that you wanted. This could happen because the employer could be trying to decide to hire you or your existing employer could fire you just because on what you have posted on social media. For example if you were posting that you went to some big party and your competition for getting the job was helping out in the community the company would probably pick the person who was not partying and was giving time to the community. Another reason why your digital footprint can affect your future is that if you and another person were offered one spot on a special school trip out of the city or country but they only had one spot and you were posting bad things on your social media it could result in you loosing the possible once in a life time opportunity.
There are many strategies on how to keep your digital footprint safe. The all time safest way to make your digital footprint safe is to just don’t post it in the first place and don’t take the chance of other people founding things out about you that you didn’t want them to know. Another way to keep your digital footprint safe is that you can make sure your privacy settings are change so only friends and family can see what you post. Even changing your settings might not always protect you from everything those so you need to still be careful of what you post.The last method to protect your digital footprint is to double check what you are posting before posting it or you can also get your parents to quickly check it over and if they don’t want you posting that you just don’t do it. These are three big ways that can help you keep your digital footprint safe.
I have learned a couple of things from this digital portfolio class. One of the most major that I learned was that nothing is truly disappears even if you delete it it will always be there and could come back and haunt you. The second thing I learned is that you really don’t know who is looking at your posts because even if you have your privacy settings on sometimes people can still get onto your about.So if you are a student you should always be extremely careful about everything you put on the internet and if you think it shouldn’t be up don’t put it up.
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