April 2018 archive

Now and Then

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1980’s- Strict but simple, everyone had a role to do.

Now- Teens have hope, dreams, and a lot of ambition.


I noticed a lot of similarities and differences between these two eras. Pop culture, like fashion and music is constantly changing so that was quite a large difference. However the biggest difference I discovered was in the “every-day-way-of-life.” Schools were stricter and had more rules, and a lot of that was due to where my family grew up, but their chores and responsibilities were a lot more serious than mine are. I feel like a lot more was expected of them then there is for me. On the other hand, their society was very straight-forward: get married, have kids, clean, and cook, today there is so much more that you can do and those views are outdated. In today’s decade, a lot of people are able to express themselves the way that they feel best represents them. There’s a lot more acceptance and open-mindedness and I have the privilege of allowing to dress and identify as how I feel. While it would be cool and interesting to experience adolescence in the 80’s, I would rather grow up now. Looking back, with all the things we know now, I could see how people would want to live in the 80’s and rock the hair and the denim, but I like how much more creative freedom and ambition there is around today and I wouldn’t trade that.