The Amazon-ification of Whole Foods
This article is about Amazon’s new branch of delivering grocery items to homes. This article attracted to me because the title simply amazed me. Amazon is the world’s biggest retailer and it is growing at an exponential rate. I had never thought that you would be able to sit at home and not only order your groceries online but also get them delivered to you. Although this new program sounds convenient, I would never use this tool. I do not support this movement because I believe this is going to make the human race lazier and it will prevent face-to-face interactions from occurring. This reminds me of the society in Fahrenheit 451 because they rarely had conversations with others and this movement is a step towards that society. The author explains how Amazon had once before ran “Amazon Fresh” but it went downhill. This gets me wondering how Amazon will be able to pull off this new campaign without shutting it down like “Amazon Fresh”. I do not think that the online grocery store will have the same quality as stores like Superstore or Costco. When you go into a grocery store you get to pick the vegetables that seem fresh and that are in good quality but online you will only be able to select the quantity of food you want. I like how the author, Derek Thompson, has a clear explanation on Amazons plan and includes the future ambitions of the company. At the end of the article, the author talks about how Amazon is planning on creating an online pharmacy and offer healthcare services. By Amazon expanding it’s empire, I think that many businesses will decide to close down and transfer online as well.