What I learned about linear relations

What is a linear relation?

A linear relation is when you have variables that are going up and changing by the same number, that ends up making a straight line on the graph. For example:  2, 4,6,8… So you can see they all go up by the same amount each time.

How to find the rule for a pattern

To find the rule, firstly you have to make a T chart. One side is X and one side is Y. You can write any numbers in the X collum but normally just like 1-3. Once you finish filling out the chart you look at the Y collum to see what the numbers are decreasing or increasing by. Once you figure that out you multiply it by x.

How to plot a point (coordinate) and how to graph a linear relation:

A coordinate is two numbers in a bracket, for example (1, 2). In this case, 1 would be X and 2 would be Y. To place the coordinate you find the first number in the brackets on the horizontal line and then find the number on the vertical line. If the line is straight when you get multiple coordinates you know it’s right.  To graph a linear relation you do the same thing. All you have to do to find the coordinates is you make a T chart with the numbers in it and take the x and y values and place them in the brackets and then graph them.

How to graph vertical and horizontal lines and get their equations

When you graph a vertical line, you have to keep the x value the same for each one. If you graph a horizontal line you keep the y value the same and only change the x values.


X and Y axes – x axes is a horizontal line and the y axes is a vertical line. They are both on the graph.

T chart – a t-chart is a way to organize and help you solve your equations.

Coordinate – A coordinate is a set value that shows an exact spot on a graph.

Quadrants (3, 5) – The quadrants are two numbers in brackets and you place them on the graph.

Origin – The origin is the middle of the graph, (0, 0)

Plotting – It’s when you are putting the quadrants on the graph.

Linear pattern – A linear pattern is when the numbers are going up by the same amount each time.

Increasing pattern – When the numbers are getting bigger.

Decreasing pattern – When the numbers are getting smaller.

Horizontal line – A horizontal line is a line that is going side to side.

Vertical line – A vertical line is a line that is going up and down.

Riverside CC’s Self Assessment Document (2)

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