Tag Archives: footprint2022

Digital Footprint

Digital footprint 

By Maia Cimbrea  

1.How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least 2 examples.  

– jobs will look at your digital footprint before planning to hire you. But if they find stuff on your online platform that may be bad. They can always decline the request. So, then you may lose chances on job opportunities. – make sure that before you apply for a job you fix your digital footprint. 

– scholarships for university students are given out frequently. And if you work hard, you may be one of them. But if you have a bad digital footprint then that chance may be taken from you. Even if you have amazing grades, it won’t matter in the end. – always remember that before you   



  1. What strategies could you use to protect your own identity when using social media?

Having a private account is safer and will keep your digital footprint clean. — only add people you know or trust. – this will make sure that you do not have creepy people viewing your profile 

– Think before posting. it will help so you do not post something that you may regret later— you never know if someone might have screenshot it. A question you can ask yourself before posting something is “would I want my parents to see this?” This will not work all the time, especially if you have strict parents. But if your parents are not too strict with social media, it is good to use. 

– Not using your full name as account name — Ex. John Smith = X bad  

You can use something like “ S..Johnny “.  

Or anything like your fav food or something Ex. Johnny_sushi  

  • Always delete old accounts/ accounts that are outdated 
  • Remember to only add your friends/ people you know  
  • Ex. School friends, sport friends.  

– it’s sometimes better to not use your full name just to be safe. 

– delete your old accounts. There is no point in keeping old accounts still active. If you remember your passwords go and delete that old account from like 5 years ago. 



  1. What are some ways you can limit the amount of online content that you are constantly consuming?

Screen time–You can install screen time on an app that you use a lot. Doing this will give you no choice but to stop and do something else. Ask a parent or someone you trust to make a code. in case you do not trust yourself. Even if you really want to know the code Rember that this is for the best. 

Build self-awareness — if you do not do this, then you will never know when to stop. Having self-awareness while using a social platform is particularly important. – you must know what is correct to post and what should be kept to yourself. 

– It is better to limit your content for your physical and mental health. When being online all day long can damage your eyesight which in the future will get worse. But it also damages your mental health. Seeing all these people that maybe have the perfect body or perfect life will mess you up. Even tho all the posts you see are mostly photoshop. So, try not to compare yourself to others.