Author Archives: Maia

Modeling Mitosis


In our science class, we have started to learn about biology. our first section was how does the cell work? and what are all the roles of the cell parts? Now our next section we will be taking about mitosis. we have used yarn, pipe cleaners and string, to form all the phases of PMAT+ interphase, and cytokinesis.


Interphase is the time when the cell is doing its normal activity interphase is the longest cell stage, it is when the cell performs and grows. During interphase the cell replicates it’s DNA, adds proteins and  organelles that the cell needs to do its job.

* Interphase isn’t a phase in mitosis, its just what the cells does regularly.

Early prophase


Early prophase is  the first part of Prophase.  the phase starts of by the nucleolus leaving the cell, and then spindle fibers form.

the chromatin starts to become chromones, and getting ready for the next stages .

Late prophase


Late prophase is  the second part of prophase. the spindle fibers are completely developed. The spindle fibers connect with centromeres of chromosomes, when the spindle fibers connect with the centromeres of chromosomes. 

the nuclear membrane has fully diapered.



Chromosomes composed of sister chromatids, will separate and align themselves in a matter that they are on the equator of the cell.



the spindle fibers pull sister chromatids to complete opposite sides of the cell.{ preparing them to be separated for the next phase}


telophase is the last stage in PMAT. The spindle fibers has vanished and a nuclear membrane begins to form around each set of chromosomes {that happened last phase} The new cells are still connected to each other, but in the next stage they will be there own.


*not a stage in PMAT

Cytokinesis is the separation of the nuclei into 2 new daughters cells.

*{note our diagram wasn’t really split us us well as it should have. sorry}

Edible DNA – Science 9

Edible DNA 


1. what is DNA?

  • Deoxyribonucleic acid or mostly known as DNA, is a material that is found in all living things. DNA helps produce cells un your body, plants and more. DNA  stores instructions for making other large molecules, called proteins. These instructions are stored inside each of your cells. all this information is distributed along your 46 chromosomes. 
  • DNA is shaped in a double helix . The 2 sides of the DNA ladder are made up of sugar and phosphate.
  • the colored cylinders in the DNA are made up of 4 nitrogen bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.
  • In our edible DNA , we used marshmallows to show the different nitrogen bases

2. What does DNA DO?

  • DNA is the creator of all living things. you, me, animals, plants, you name it. DNA converts information to proteins that help make your body.  DNA carries all your genetic information, that makes you, you. This could be : hair color, eye, nose, face shape. Anything that can be passed down from your family. DNA does a great  job of replicating itself  The original DNA strands from the double helix is the one created before the duplication;
  • before
  • Aftet
  • DNA is a key part of reproduction in which genetic hereditary, occurs through the passing down of DNA from your parents to you.

    3. How easily does DNA copy itself

  • The original DNA strands from the double helix is the one created before the duplication.
  • {insert} The leading strand is always combining when the other lagging strand is combined in small pieces that eventually join together to complete the new copy of the original DNA. 
  • DNA Replication: Definition, and Significance - EmbibeDNA is a molecule that can be replicated many times, and most pf the time it turns out perfect.f .  replication uses DNA polymerases which are molecules specifically dedicated to just copying DNA. Replicating all of the DNA in a single human cell takes several hours of just pure copying time. 
  •  the 3 steps that are used every single time a DNA replicates itself.
  • “the opening of the double helix and separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment. During separation, the two strands of the DNA double helix uncoil at a specific location called the origin. Several enzymes and proteins then work together to prepare, or prime, the strands for duplication. Finally, a special enzyme called DNA polymerase organizes the assembly of the new DNA strands.”
  • Cells Can Replicate Their DNA Precisely | Learn Science at Scitable (
  • I find it so interesting how 1 single DNA, can duplicate itself into thousands. considering our body is made up of thousand of DNA’s.
  1. What further questions do you have after building this model?
  • Is DNA the only molecule that can carry our genetic information?
  • How was DNA discovered and studied on,  in the past?
    • What answers can you find to your questions
    • 1. DNA is the only molecule that carries our genetic information. it is DNA’s job to duplicate itself as many times, to make sure we have all our information we need.
    • 2. Friedrich Miescher was the person who discovered DNA. he was initially trying to learn about white blood cells, but instead discovered DNA. While Miescher was the first to define DNA , several other researchers and scientists have contributed to our r understanding of DNA as we know it today. And it wasn’t until the early 1940s that DNA’s role in genetic inheritance was even begun to be researched and understood.


In conclusion I loved this lab. because we had just started our unit on biology, I didn’t completely understand what was going on. But after doing this lab I have learned so much: how DNA looks, the significates of the color(the nitrogen bases), how it duplicates. And of course the best part, was getting to eat our DNA. HAHA. 

Connection based learning- Tanzania proposal post- Publicizing his brand


We were introduced to Saul Mwame        

. He is a beekeeper that lives and works in Tanzania. He runs a business called “Haven Bees”  (

He produces organic homemade honey. Mr. Robinson organized a zoom call where we could talk to Saul and ask him questions regarding his life, business, accomplishments and more.

A couple weeks later Mr. Robinson tells us that Saul is in Canada, everyone was so excited to meet him in real life. 

We prepared some questions with our group to ask Saul.

One question that was asked many time was” how your business is going” he told us that his business is going well in Tanzania, but not globally. Me and AJ did some brainstorming of some ideas of what we could do. We concluded that we are going to help his brand by making merchandise. what would we make tho? this was the big question.








We have been introduced to the makers space a couple of times, so we had an idea of what resources we had. We could either make something artistic using the 3d printer, pin maker, Cricut, or the complete opposite, coding. Saul told us that every 3-4 years there are honey badgers that wreck the beehives, but we were thinking of solving something that is happening in the present and not in the future. We are so grateful to have Ms. Henderson, Ms. Leung, and a wave member to help us in the process. If we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t know hoe to use the machines. We had a couple mistakes while doing the designing of the image, but Ms. Henderson was more than happy to help us. we had to start planning what we were going to make. we had to make sure it was something appropriate with his brand. we decided to make pins with bees that represent his honey business’.


when we were trying to decide what will our solution be to our problem, we were thinking of products that could be used daily. stickers, pins, hoodies, etc.. Stickers seemed like a really good idea, but was it enough. hoodies would be really cool to make and use, but when and where, would we get the materials. and then there were pins. Pins are simple but still appealing to customers. We came to the conclusion that making pins will help publicize his brand. we are going to use his brand colors and make a little cartoon character that represents his brand. We decided that a bee would be appropriate considering they produce the honey.

We are hoping that we can do justice and represent his brand well. we started our project in the makers space. I learned how to make propre dimensions for a pin. Ms. Henderson helped me and AJ use the pin maker. we followed her steps and in the end we were able to make 4 pins with our design


 Doing this project we have to keep in mind some skills that we need to have before completing

Because we have to create a proto type, but also a post. I need to make sure I’m completing both with my 100%


  • Working as a partner project, we need to make sure we are communicating with each other. I f we have a new idea, we tell each other.

 multi tasking

  • Because we have to create a proto type, but also a post. I need to make sure im completing both with my 100 %

materials we need:

  •  Cricut (for the designing of the pin)
  • makers space
  • pins
  • Pin maker


I feel that the process of creating a solution to a problem, passed by well. Me and AJ  both already had an inspiration of what we wanted to create. So when we had to start planning our product, we had a head start. We brainstormed some ideas of what we think would solve Saul’s problem with publicizing his brand. Evetime I go to fairs, fundraisers, clubs, they always give out pins. And pins are so versatile for making anything you want to create. Logos, images , text, the opportunities are endless. After we had made a plan of what our finished product would look like, we were off to work. Learning how to use the pin maker was an experience.

When we first got into the makerspace, the teachers were super friendly. We had some questions on how to make dimensions for our little bee. then the pin making started. it was pretty simple for the first 3, but the 4th was another story. We thought we were doing it properly when we realized there is no metal to actually make it a working pin. we restarted our pin to fix the problem. in the end our bee pins turned out awesome.

Of course we had some problems in the making of our pins and designing, but my biggest enemy was time. I thought we were  set for Wednesday when we were able to create our proto type, but I wasn’t. I had barely even started on my post( this post) so when I got home from school I rushed to my laptop and started working. I was able to finish 1/2 of the post. So Thursday I just have to do my finishing touches and add my media. I had to learn to balance my school work for 1 project but also with my other classes. I had a test in my French class first thing Thursday morning. So I had to multi task (which is one of the skills I listed).

But  in the end I was able to keep track of my time and finish my works on time and properly.



Ms.Henderson’s blog

Ms. Henderson’s Library Blog – Rapids Read, Library Learning, Innovation and Inspiration (

how to use a button maker

How to Use a Button Maker – Complete Tutorial – Bing video

Currents from the kitchen

Currents from the kitchen

Purpose: Which fruit will produce the most electric charge

Hypothesis: When I use a fruit that has a high percentage of water, it will result to a higher voltage.

Materials: 1 volumeter, 2 wires, 1 nail, 1 copper strip, at least 3 fruits/ veggies

( we used some more fruits and veggies later on in the experiment)


  1. Write your pre-lab
  2. Cut the fruits into halves
  3.  Put in 2 pieces of metal(copper and a galvanized nail)
  4. Attach to the voltmeter using wires
  5. add wires to the metals.
  6. Record the results by writing down results, taking pictures…etc.
  7. Compare results from several different fruits.

Reasoning (Why):

Why I choses my hypothesis is because when I think of water touching a Current, it produces a flame. So if the fruit/veggie has a high water percentage, it should be able to catch a current easier.


  1. we had to make a circut for the experiment to work.
  2. there was a pattern that was made depending on which metal we attached to the wires
  3. there was a ton of mess. after poking the nail and copper into the fruits there was a mess.
  4. the strong aroma coming from a couple fruits. lemon, kiwi and orange had the strongest smells
  5.  attaching the galvanized nail to the wire connected to the 3 v, always made us have a positive volt. But doing the opposite with adding galvanized nail to the wire connected to the red v, gave us a positive charge.  (vise versa with the copper strip)



  3v to galvanized nail +red v to copper strip  3v to copper strip red v to galvanized nail
apple -0.2 volts + 0.1 volts
kiwi -0.3 volts +0.1 volts
pear -0.32 volts +0.2 volts
cherry tomato -0.5 volts +0.2 volts
potato -0.27 volts +0.2 volts
lemon -0.2 volts +0.1 volts
orange -0.5 volts +0.75 volts



Most important: 

  • the orange was the fruit that gave the highest volatag. in the end we were able to record a volatge of 0.75. it wasn’t the highest in the class, but in our batch it was
  • having said that, the most important finding we found is that it really is possible to light an led with a couple fruits and veggies, wires and metals. we combined some fruits with the copper, nail and wires in an alternating pattern to make a circuit. we figured out that you must have one copper connected by a wire to a galvanized nail. once you have done that serval time using different fruits, you should have light. at first the light was just flickering, but after adjusting the metals, we had a fully lit led.
  • I found this so cool and interesting!


  • after finishing our experiment we learned that it really is possible to make a charge using fruits and veggies. ( my group was even capable to light an led using just wires 2 metals and and our fruits.) it does take some trial and error, but once you find the pattern or you can say formula, it simple. you just test out different fruits and veggies to see what the big factor that causing a volt.
  • i would say my hypothesis was 75% correct. i didn’t do any further experiments to figure out if the real reason why we could make a charge was because of the water instead the fruits. however considering that the orange was the fruit that had the highest voltage, i believe that the water percentage in the fruit does play a role. Oranges are used for making juice, therefore i believe that my hypothesis is correct.
  •  what would happen if we used differnt metals? like zinc+ gold, would it still work?
  • if we are able to use fruits and veggies to make a voltage, would real food also make a voltage? could aburger make a charge? or pizza?
  • could we use 3+ metals to give an even higer charge?


what is causing electrons to flow in this experiment?

electrons flow in this experiment because copper pulls electrons with more power compared to the zinc (galvanized nail).

what are the independent , dependent and controlled variables?

The independent variable would be the different fruits and vegetables used ,

the dependent variable would be the voltage, and the controlled variable would be the copper strip + galvanized nail.

how can we modify our experiment to improve our results?

I would say that the quality of our materials. So if we used organic or fresh fruits and veggies, it might make a difference.

Same with the copper strip and nails. if the materials were just bought, their could’ve been a higher voltage charge. so i would say that the newer that the materials are, the better results you will get.

what could be sources of error or uncertainty in our experiment?

I think that one off the biggest uncertainty is the voltemeter. if it wasn’t set up properly it could affect your experiment. If the starting point was shifted and didn’t actually start at zero, the whole experienced is compromised. also not reading the voltemeter rigth is also a big uncertainty. in the beging me and my group were reading the voltemeter. so all the results we were writing down were wrong/ luckily tho we were capable to find our mistakes earlier on and just re-did the ones we meesed up.

how can I use this in my everyday life?

I think this experiment we just did, is a great way of learning if circuits/ electricity is something that interest you. If making circuts and creating volatge charges fascinates you, maybe that could be our future job. you could becomes an electrician, coder, technician, wireman and more.



Core competencies -Francais 9-Maia C

Voici mon immersion clip pour Marie Antoinette


mon reflection

Fictional Science Safety Story-Maia C

here is my fictional science safety story

  • science safety story

Once upon a time in Mr. Robinson’s grade 9 class, there was a lab that was going to happen today. Everyone was siting down in their seat ready for Mr. Robinson to explain the lab, but Alex. Alex is the casual trouble maker: always on his phone, eating in the class room, never wearing his safety goggles!

“Okay class are we already for today’s lab”? Mr. Robinson asks.

Nobody responds, but Alex.

“of course, we are” Alex responds in a mockingly tone.

“Alex please be nice: Mr. Robinsons tells him.

Everyone laughs at Alex. Everyone quiets done after a couple minutes.

“okay class now we need some type of utensil to drop a tiny amount of water into our solution. What should we use, a dropper or micro pipets?”

Ella raises her hand as high as possible

“Ooo, I know Robinson” she responds.

“okay tell me Ella which one” Mr. Robinson asks

“ well micro pipets are Used to measure and dispense very small amounts of liquids. Like  0.5 mL and droppers are used also for small amounts of liquids, but it isn’t as precise. So I think the micro pipet would be the better option”.

“ I agree Ella, the micro pipet would be the best in this lab.” Mr. Robinson tells her.


The class stands up grabs their material for the lab.

“class make sure to get some test tubes and beaker for the…”

“What are those, Mr. Robinson.” Alex says in an obnoxious tone.

“ Alex every single lab I have to explain to you what their materials are. And put you safety glasses on you’re dealing with corrosive material that has a octogen surrounding that will burn and irritate you skin and is dangerous.

“ so what, I don’t care” Alex yells back at the teacher

“ go to the hallway and wait for me there. Now where was I, oh yeah test tubes and beakers. We need the test tubes to hold our acid for when we need to heat the liquid up. And make sure not to forget to grab a couple of wire brushes to clean out the test tubes at the end.

“Umm Mr. Robinson will we be test on animal today?” Sarah asks.

“no Sarah like I told you yesterday, we wont be testing on animal sin this class” Mr. Robinson assures her

“Okay good because testing on animals isn’t good. We are killing animals for no reason.” Sarah tells the teacher.

“okay Sarah that is more of a personal opinion, but yes it is scientific dilemma.

Mr. Robinson leaves the classroom quickly to find Alex.


“Alex where are you, don’t hid from me it will just cause more trouble” Mr. Robinson yells out

Little does he know that Alex is inside the classroom starting the lab. He doesn’t have his sleeves rolled up, safety glasses on and the worst there is no teacher there to supervise him. On of his fellow students see what he is doing and decides to confront him. But the problem he has is that if he “smitches “, Alex will never want to talk to him. But if he lets Alex carry on, Alex could get in serious danger. The classmate decided that he needs to find Mr. Robinson as soon as possible, because the material Alex is using is oxidizing, it has the fire over circle symbol. If Alex does not pay attention he will get burned and he will be in serios pain.

“Robinson, Alex is touching flammable material” the student says.

“Is it flame over circle( that need oxygen to be dangerous) or is it HHPS flammable with the octogen surrounding it (which means that the flammable material it’s a danger)” Mr. Robinson asks

“ umm I think just flame over circle” the student answer hesitantly

“okay the we need to keep him away from it, lets go!” Mr. Robinson say right be for he sprints to the class.

As soon as Alex sees the teacher he freezes. He take as couple steps forward with the beaker (that holds liquid) in his hand

“Stay back or ill drink these liquids” Alex yells

“ Alex don’t do that its poison which will kill you ” Mr. Robinson tells him

“I don’t care” Alex responds.


After the principal walks in and Alex calms down, the class takes a sit

Mr. Robinson begins” so class today we saw what happens when our class is in unsafe situation. We saw what to do in the safe conduct by coming to tell me, but also the opposite. Alex didn’t listen to me, and in a lab that is really dangerous. Alex could have been seriously injured. From now on we wont be doing anymore labs till you guys understand what Alex has done wrong”

Half the class cheers for joy for no work, but the other side or now said

The end

By Maia Cimbrea




Community Connections

  • Reflection
  • . – who you interviewed including their roles and responsibilities
  • Today I have interviewed an emergency nurse. She plays the big role of helping patients with all their illnesses, injuries and more. But that’s not it she also helps around the office and helps teaching the new nurses. Being an emergency nurse comes with many responsibilities; you have to be able to support all different types of people. When you are in pain you completely forgot how to behave politely to the people near you. Being a nurse puts you in danger all the time. You have to be capable to put your life on the line everyday to help the people in your community,
  • Why you chose to interview that individual: ever since I was a little kid I’ve wanted to be a doctor. And a nurse is pretty similar and It gives some ideas if I would like this profession when I’m older. Being able to interview a real nurse that works shifts every week, it gives me a better understanding of how working in a medical field is. The challenges but also the positives and benefits.
  • – What you learned from the interview and how that connects to your passions/interests
  • – I have learned that in your life you may have a plan in your mind, but it doesn’t always come true. She wanted to be a lawyer but then there were challenges that derailed her plan. Instead, she became a nurse, and it made her life better. She has a steady income; she can provide for her family and she enjoys her job. I also enjoy helping other and the community. little by little makes a big difference in the long run.
  • Person Holding a Stress Ball · Free Stock Photo (
  • . Overhead Shot of Scrabble Tiles on a Notebook · Free Stock Photo (
  • Man Pinching Nose Close-up Photo · Free Stock Photo (