core competencies- foods 10

Core compentencies

Critical thinking

Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.

–          I have chosen my consumable waste plan project. This project was created to help us find ways to help our planet. Being in a foods class means that we cook food often. And ½ of all the ingredients we used had some type of 1 use plastic. Therefore Mr. Brett created some questions that would make us reflect on what some solutions and stuff are we could do, to help our planet.  The reason why I have chosen this assignment is that it demonstrates my thinking competencies. I still remember sitting down at my desk thinking what I could say. I was thinking “how could 1 person come up with everyday ideas that were easy to do?”

I came up with some ideas after listening to what my peers were saying. You can’t expect to come up with a million different answers to your question. You must pay attention to your surroundings and ask questions. Even if you may think the questions are dumb or useless, you never know. You must take a risk and try.


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