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Category: Socials 9
Essay #2 Thesis
Although, the Rebellion of 1837, American Civil War, and the situation in…
19th Century Movie Pitch
Movie Pitch (pt.1): https://youtu.be/dv0FQXVUzg0 Movie Pitch (pt.2): https://youtu.be/obLPH0CNJ8g Movie Pitch Organizer: https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/personal/132-msirimanotham_sd43_bc_ca/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=1d10c7115d8164de785e5ae130dbc046b&authkey=AQZ9FyQ6UNYLyHY-uNCjtIA
American Revolution Discussion
1. Was the revolution truly democratic? I don’t think the revolution was…
🎞 Movie Pitch 🎞
🇬🇧 War of 1812 Discussion 🇺🇸
Link to discussion: https://youtu.be/IMuPE__iukg
🇬🇧 Fight for N. America Pt. 1 Organizer 🇫🇷
🇨🇦 Amazing Race Canada Part B Questions🇨🇦
🇨🇦 Canadian Identity 🇨🇦
Amazing Race Canada Questions
Here are my questions. Canadian Shield ➡️ St.…