The government today should be held responsible for decisions and actions made by previous governments. Although, these decisions and actions were not made by today’s government, they still represent the government. The Canadian Government(s) all have the same morals and goals. The people within the government may change, but the Canadian Government itself remains. Most governments do build new principles and rules, however the base, and what makes the government, stays. Decisions and actions were made, and will not be forgotten; furthermore, the present-day government may try to apologize and move on from those events, but it won’t change what has happened in the past.
An addition to this, some believe today’s government should not be held responsible for decisions and actions made by previous governments. Today’s government had no say, and no way to interrupt, certain decisions and actions made in the past; therefore, they should not be held responsible for someone else’s behaviour. When a new government replaces the old, their record should be renewed. The recent government should not be bombarded with past mistakes that their previous peers made. The government today has also given apologizes for acts they did not institutionalize but have take credit for.
Personally, I believe in both points of the spectrum. I do believe that the government should be held responsible for previous decisions and actions made; however, the present government should not be bombarded with responsibility of every past mistake. From the News, the recent government has regarded the past negative events that were made to citizens and are trying their best to make Canada a better place. Moreover, today’s government should be held responsible for past decisions and actions made, but should not be constantly blamed for those things.
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