2 things I’m proud of are, the writing portion and how well it turned out, and the confidence I had when I preformed it in front of the class.
2 things I would like to improve are, the dynamics of my voice, and to speak clearly and slowly.
Periods. A time where all women with a female reproductive system must endure a time of the month where they buy feminine hygiene products, and bite their tongues when cramps check into the hotel that is their body.
While boys have voice crack and many other things I would not like to mention; girls deal with monthly blood and the cost of feminine hygiene products.
It’s like when God punished Adam and Eve for stealing the forbidden apple, forgive me if I’m wrong, God said to Adam, “You, young man, will be punished with:
- the mysterious void of when to shave your peach fuzz
- your voice changing from the mountains to the sea
- and the pressure to be a manly man full of testosterone and no emotions”
Then the All Mighty turned to Eve and said, “You, young women, will be punished with:
- Sexism, where you’ll be disadvantaged in many ways
- the pressure to be feminine and nothing else
- And to bleed every month for around a week. Oh, and you can’t hold it in.”
So, as you can see, girls have it rough; and so do guys. Although, for guys, puberty is a phase during their teens; for girls, this goes on until you’re around 50. So really, it’s not a period, it’s an exclamation mark.
But let me set the stage for you:
You’re a female between the ages of 11-14, about to enter the moody region of puberty. While some are welcomed with goody bags, hot coc0, and honeymoon suite; you’re greeted with breakouts, cramps in your stomach are that feels like someone stabbing you with a bayonet, and your uterus crying blood because its eggs weren’t fertilized. This welcome gift will last for around 4-5 days. But don’t worry! You’ll only loose 2-3 tablespoons of blood.
Let’s get a few things straight for girls dealing with periods and people dealing with someone on their period:
- for people dealing with periods, don’t be ashamed about it. There’s nothing wrong about having your period.
- If you think someone is on they’re period, never ask, “are you on your period?” because I assure you, you’ll get slapped
- and don’t be afraid to talk about your period or ask questions about periods. Someone out their would love to complain about it
Because if you were spending around 38 years of your life having 456 periods, spending around $1,000 on tampons and pads per year, you’d be a little annoyed too.
So when I mention my time of the month, go with the flow. Don’t cramp my style.
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