American Revolution Discussion

1. Was the revolution truly democratic?

  1. I don’t think the revolution was truly democratic. For one, no one voted for taxes to be installed, from the British. This caused them to really start fighting for their freedom. Also, woman weren’t allowed to vote, and people who did not own lots of property.

    2. Should this event be labelled a rebellion or a revolution? When is defying/fighting your government justified? Is it different in Canada vs other countries?

    I think this event should be labelled as a rebellion, because there wasn’t really any, ‘revolution’. There was a change in government roles; for instance: there was no king. There was also no tax for property owners, and equality.


    For the second part of the question, I think it deepens. If taxes raised to 90%, where everyone would start living in poverty, then I think that’s a appropriate time to defy/fight against the government.


    3. What benefits and drawbacks in your life can you attribute to America’s Independence?

    Some benefits could be: freedom of speech, being able to vote, equal rights in inheriting and possessing property, or being equal in general.

    Drawbacks could be: there are still gender and race inequalities in society.


    4. Which parts of this war have the greatest impact on Canada today?

    I think the most important part that had the greatest impact the Declaration of Independence. This event established legal and democratic rights. This established laws that allowed people to vote for a leader.


    5. How was this part of the war creating Canadian and American Identity today?

    It made Canada and American known for voting, freedom, and equality.

1 comment on “American Revolution DiscussionAdd yours →

  1. For #2, be clear about why their actions fit a rebellion instead.
    For #3, where did those freedoms come from?

    Think a bit more about who Americans are and how the Revolution was part of building that identity. For example, if Americans want something, what do they do? How is that different from Canada? How does America feel about governments running your life? How do Canadians feel?

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