‘Change’ by RM feat. Wale
Barefaced Screen
There was a face.
One with freckles like stars in the night sky.
Wrinkles formed from laughter.
Eyes that screamed ambition- replaced with cries of recognition
A smile that was cherished now left to perish.
All unfollowed by unknown sources.
Befriended from a young age,
Where childhood memories began to fade.
Times were easier.
Happiness came with less of a price.
Running through grassy fields,
Begging to go back outside, after meals.
Playing pretend with friends.
Faces were deep into colourful books.
Not pressed against luminescent screens.
Children would be talking, not watching:
Things that taught someone how to feel;
How can we distinguish what is real?
It was once a safe house- yet you wanted to get out
Parents too busy for reassurance
Inching further away like broken islands
Instead of saying, “How’s school?”
We let the electronics rule.
Kindness became single mindedness
Supremacy over empathy
Contact is no more than a contract.
A solution, sacrificing sanity
Shaping sensibility into solitude.
With a click of a button
I can find out who am
Parts of me slammed onto a diagram
Is this really how it’s supposed to be?
Technology announcing our traits, weakness, and best pairs
Who we are; and what our favourite food can say about our love life.
What lies within our DNA?
How easy it is to put on display
On YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat
Creates pressure on the things we lack
From masculinity to femininity
We judge the pretty in this small committee
Swipe right
Swipe left
To see what stranger is waiting next
The way to connect is through the Internet
No longer can we see
Through the bright electric seas
Tabloids turned into television; transmitting a trace, that was tailored temporary.
Where money can now buy love
Or define happiness
With ‘chill’ streaming for $8.99 a month
Or coupons that can be used only once
Soon we will be the knowledge that we rely on
The glowing canvas we hesitantly turn off
With no emotion remaining
Like the batteries we are constantly draining
With glitches flashing green, magenta, red, and blue.
Sticking on us, to our adolescence,
Like glue
There once was a face
One with a smile that never dies
Wrinkles formed from worry
Eyes filled with constellations
But neglected by civilization
Society deeming barefaced to never be seen
Only to leave behind a Barefaced Screen
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