How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future?

  • Darwin has discovered that a piece of DNA called a switch is not a gene, but it turns “on” or “off” genes. The switch makes the functions of DNA completely different, which means if there is a small switch, it will make a big difference, and so DNA has one other vital quality. Understanding the DNA more has helped us verify that we indeed are descendants of a much more primitive creature like the Tiktaalik fish. The discovery of DNA has enabled us to accurately map the evolution tree that we use today, which is something that Darwin did not have at the time.  Darwin had said that natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate advantageous genetic mutations.  Meaning that over time species develop certain skills or forms that help their survival in the wild, these mutations are then passed onto their offspring.  This changed scientists views on evolution forever.