Week 1- Pre-Calc- square roots

This week in math we learned about square roots. I chose to show my understanding of this because it is an important starting point for math 11 and I had forgotten how to do this in previous years.

There is sometimes an index number and a radical in a square root. In this example, \sqrt{25} the 25 is radical, and in order to find the square root we need to find the number that goes into to fully. In this case, it would be 5.  \sqrt{25} =5

Another example of estimating a square root, is in this example we can find what two integers is the value of this radical. \sqrt{75} = 8 and 9 because 8^2 = 64 and 9^2 = 81 so it would be between 8 and 9 or 8.5. \sqrt{75} = 8.5 estimated

Square root of 25 - Cuemath

Image: 25 square root – Bing images

My cells

This is my cell from the 400x and you are able to see the nucleus in the middleof the cell.



This is the 100x. You can see that there a large clump of cells on the to left.


This is the 40x, you are able to see the cells from a far although they are not very clear.

Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two                                                             examples.Selective Focus Photography of Person Holding Iphone Displaying White ScreenPerson Foot Prints on Sands Photo

My digital footprint might affect my future opportunities by my first impression on how people see me,  how I look, act and my personality. For example if I apply to a job that is long hours and need my full attention all the time and if my digital footprint exemplifies  that I am always with friends and very social all the time they might put that against me and I may not receive the job I wanted. Another example of how my digital footprint might affect my future opportunities is that if I want to play on a future sports team or a job that is Monday to Friday and my digital foot print exemplifies that I love to travel and I am always on the go the team or job may not be sure if I am going to be committed. I think that it is very important to realize how much your digital footprint can affect your future opportunities.

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

Three strategies that I can use to keep my digital footprint safe is to:Close-up Photography of Smartphone Icons

  1.  I need to be able to trust who ever takes a video or photo of me and I Person Holding Space Gray Iphone 5know that they will be responsible with it.
  2. I can frequently search up my name to see what my digital footprint looks like and how other people see me on social media.
  3. I will be very carful on what I post and if I post a photo or video of other people on social media, I need there permission and to make sure they are ok with it. I will make sure that I am conscious and have a confidence in the photo.

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them? 

Some information that I learned that I could pass onto others is that to frequently search yourself up toBlack Samsung Tablet Display Google Browser on Screen see what other peoples first impression is of you. If you are ok with what comes ok that’s great but if you aren’t you need to have a conversation with that person who posted it or just be more mindful of photos and video’s being sharedSelective Focus Photography of Person Using Iphone X next time. 


I got my pictures from https://www.pexels.com