Circle work


Principle of Learning: Learning is embedding in memory, history and story

Learning from memory, history and stories from ancestors and relevant people is important to carry on traditions and knowledge through generations. Memories carry emotions and personal experiences with different kinds of outlooks and perspectives. Through today’s talk circle, we were asked to bring memories and stories from our past to reflect on honoring ourselves as well as those around us who we care about. We acknowledged our history by reflecting where our ancestors came from and the impact that they left. We were able to learn about new cultures from the international students that were in the class. They shared their history, stories and memories from their country and taught us about their ancestry. We came together to share ideas by connecting with our classmates about what we all have in common as well as the differences we share. We can use this knowledge to ensure that we treat everyone the same in the future and that we can all come together no matter where we come from.


Prompt: How can this exercise build community?

The talking circle is an impactful exercise on building community by bringing everyone together to focus on what others have to say and their beliefs. The talking stick is a symbol of confidence to speak up and share your thoughts and opinions. An important part of the exercise is the shape of the circle, everyone being included and facing each other with eye contact. It shows connectedness and patience while people are talking. Sharing your thoughts in the circle can make the community more comfortable and open with a calm positive environment with no judgment. Personally, I was able to comfortably share about myself with my new classmates and have time to reflect on my own life, as well as learning new things about my peers. Going forward to making new connections in my life I will use the knowledge of taking time, having open body language and impactful eye contact in my interactions and conversations.


I honored my Mom, Ashley.

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