New Media Intro

Throughout the year’s technology has been developed to be able to communicate with people from all over the world. In traditional media like broadcasts, television, and radio you aren’t interacting with people and making connections. New media is an online and digital way of exchanging information. You can express yourself, enhance spelling and improve communication skills with people you have lose relationships with or people you have never met. You can access video content anytime and have a variety of different things to watch from only one device.  Although there are so many different platforms and devices you can use during different times in a day. For example, you check your phone when you wake up, during lunch, and at dinner. New media can follow you wherever you’re going and distract you from your daily routine, “the average American spent more than 12 hours a day with various media” (Dovovan 2018). From my personal experience with balancing media in a healthy way is by having a spot in my room where I can securely leave my phone when I am doing homework, being with my family, going to bed, or “might want to just chill once in a while” (Dovovan 2018). I will turn my notifications off so I don’t feel the need to check my phone frequently and I will use that time to be present in my life. When we select sources to gather information it is important that we find real facts appropriate opinions. You can ask yourself some simple questions, is it current, what is the purpose, who is the author, or is it trying to sell you something. Another important thing to look at is the domain name in what the website ends with, is it commercial, government-run, or a website from a specific country.

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