Pro Life vs Pro Choice? – blog log #2
here is my article
This article was very investing to me because of how deep the author looks into the idea of pro life vs pro choice. This topic has always intrigued and connected to me because of my strong beliefs around pro choice. I believe that every woman should have 100% say for what happens to her body, whether that be about a child or not. The author uses strong references and examples, making connections to her own life and about how she states she was blessed when her son was born. The author made a connection to her son who has down syndrome. She connects her life to others lives, stating statistics about how many babies with Down syndrome are aborted by their mothers and not given a chance to live. Although the author relates this topic back to her own life, she stays far from opinion and stays neutral in her writing, maintaining unbiased views on a huge topic. This article makes me think of the abortion law in Alabama, connecting to the never ending list of strong opinions I see and read about on social media. In the end of the article, still maintaining an unbiased writing style, the author proves the wrong behind abortion, which made me think that maybe I don’t believe 100% in pro choice. With examples from her life and her son she depicts the wrong behind abortion, for example aborting based on gender, special needs, and mental illness. Ultimately this article changed my “black or white” view and nothing in between. It opened my eyes with the use of connections to someones real life and feelings.